I've tried looking around the board a bit before asking, but couldn't find anything similar. Wondering if some of you ladies may have experience or good resources to check out about this. Little quick background, I'm 24 weeks along with my first baby. About a year ago I suffered a bad accident at work and herniated a disk in my back (L5/S1, so it's REALLY low, top of my hip bone). I was doing great for awhile before getting pregnant and first trimester, but the past 2 months have quickly gone down hill again. I'm doing physical therapy and everything that my OB and back Dr will allow during the pregnancy and on a restricted activity level. They are looking into certain pain meds if needed in my 3rd tri (which may likely happen by the looks of it).
So what I'm really wondering... do any of you ladies have experience with a back injury and successfully (or not) going through a natural labor? Any problems that you encountered? My OB has already told me that they may end up doing a C-section if my pain is too bad. Which I understand, it'll be very hard to push if I'm already in so much pain. I'm very afraid of getting an epidural and then not being able to feel if my back is in too much pain and that I'll do more damage.
Thanks ladies!!
**Lighting a candle in memory of our angel babies and angel mama in heaven from May'14**
Re: Anyone have natural birth with herniated disk in back at the time?
Anyway, the last week has been particularly awful. I can barely move. Though I think DH and I would like a fourth LO sometime, I can't imagine dealing with this and pregnancy (and labor/delivery).
Here's to hoping someone has good info for us!