Cloth Diapering

Used NB diaper prices?

A is almost out of his NB diapers. I plan on selling them at a local re-diaper sale. My question is I bought them all new. They are all in great condition still. What would you pay for like new diapers? I've got mostly lil joey's and BG AIOs, since the simplex still fit. I know NB diapers hold a higher value, but couldn't remember how much.
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Re: Used NB diaper prices?

  • Personally I would try to get about 2/3 of what you paid new.
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  • Personally I would try to get about 2/3 of what you paid new.

    Agreed. I'd pay this.

    I think pricing used for what you would pay for a used diaper is a good way to do think about it.
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  • Thanks ladies. 2/3 for newborn sounded about right to me.
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