I have said before I have a 7 month old and a 2 1/2 year old . The baby was up all night. I have a degree and yesterday I was going to go back to school and get a fulfilling good paying job and today I just feel like it's all too much and I'm just so tired. I'm also over the snow, my 2 yo wants to play but my baby just cries. My husband was never much help with the kids so in sure I'm emotional exhausted

I just needed to get it out. Thanks for listening.
Re: Tired and discouraged
I know your sick of the snow but try taking the kids out to play in it. Fresh air usually gets my ds to stop crying when he cries like that.
Remember it gets better
Throwing leaves
Maybe it might be better to look around now (move even) and wait until your kids are older to take on all that extra work.
Says a person with two bachelors, almost a masters, and no job.