Cloth Diapering

Finishing out my cloth diaper stash ?

I think I'm pretty well set in the actual cloth diaper department (newborn and OS), but I want to make sure I have everything else we need to go along with CDing. I'm ordering/need to get:

2 PW wetbags (for the diaper bag)
2 PW pail liners
3 dozen wipes
trash can/pail
a couple snappi's
CD safe diaper cream
CD safe detergent

Am I forgetting anything major? I'm planning on just using water to wet the wipes, unless I decide later that we need to use something else. What diaper cream does everyone recommend?

And for detergent, I'd like to start off with Tide (original powder, right?) because that's the only thing available in my area. Does it work best with hard/soft water?

Sorry for the zillion questions, but I'm due in a few weeks and want to make sure I am all ready to go!
Kinley Diane
Born 2/4/14
Weighing 6 lbs 10 oz and 20 inches long

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