Baby Showers

Thankyou/ Hostess gift for host(s) of your baby shower?

Just wondering what the boards thoughts are on a hostess gift/ thankyou... I didn't have a wedding shower at all so I'm new to the concept. I figure something is appropriate, just not sure what ... Anyone have thoughts?
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Re: Thankyou/ Hostess gift for host(s) of your baby shower?

  • Maybe something personalized? With the hosts name on it? Like maybe a set coffee mugs with her monogram on it and a pound of coffee/box of kcups/Starbucks gift card type thing. There's lots of ideas for stuff like that on Pintrest.
  • I don't think there's a hard and fast rule about what an acceptable gift is.  Something heartfelt and something the hostess would enjoy is always the best bet.  I took my mom and BFF out for mani/pedis- nothing major, just some nice quality time together, my treat, as a thank you.
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