

My best friend just called to vent about her sister who regularly goes out to the club several times a week, and leaves her kids with my best friend. Apparently she gets wasted and sometimes won't even come pick up the kids until the next day. Well I guess my best friend asked her what her deal was and she told her that she caught her husband cheating on her and she was trying to deal with it. Apparently he told her (his wife) there was nothing she could do about it and that she had gotten fat and quit taking care of herself.

So now he just tells her when he is "going out" to meet this girl and talks to her regularly on the phone at their home. So BFF's sister said she goes out on those nights as well so she doesn't have to be left to deal with it. She also said that as long as he doesn't divorce her then she will just deal with it.

IMO she is being an idiot!! And she is not taking care of herself or creating the proper environment for her kids. WDPT?! 


  • So.  Why doesn't she leave, exactly?  

    This is definitely DTMFA territory.  



    Unable to even.  


    You don't understand the appeal of Benedict Cumberbatch / think he's fug / don't know who he is? WATCH SHERLOCK.  Until you do, your negative opinion of him will not be taken seriously.

  • She said she is afraid she won't get custody of her kids. He is a police officer and apparently she was into some shady shit before they got married. I think she was pretty heavy in cocaine at one point. Also she thinks he is a GOD and does whatever he says more or less.
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