Doctor called and told me I have markers for down syndrome now we have to go to Magee Hospital and have genetic couseling and a more detailed ultrasound along with other screening and test to determine if baby has down syndrome. Doctor said I have a 1 and 238 chance of having a baby with ds because of the markers that came back from blood test. He did say to try and not to worry because there is a lot of false positives and that it was just a risk screening not for certain. I am still scared. Has anyone else had this experience? I am 37 so I know its also due to my age.
Re: Scared I took the triple/quad test Down Syndrome Risk 1/238
I'm sorry, OP, I have no experience with this but I'm sorry you're dealing with it. I hope all is well in your follow-ups!
I'm sorry, OP, I have no experience with this but I'm sorry you're dealing with it. I hope all is well in your follow-ups!
I'm sorry, I misread her number, but it's still a very low percentage.
4 rounds of clomid, 2 with IUI = BFN
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