2nd Trimester

Scared I took the triple/quad test Down Syndrome Risk 1/238

edited February 2014 in 2nd Trimester
Doctor called and told me I have markers for down syndrome now we have to go to Magee Hospital and have genetic couseling and a more detailed ultrasound along with other screening and test to determine if baby has down syndrome. Doctor said I have a 1 and 238 chance of having a baby with ds because of the markers that came back from blood test. He did say to try and not to worry because there is a lot of false positives and that it was just a risk screening not for certain. I am still scared. Has anyone else had this experience? I am 37 so I know its also due to my age.

Re: Scared I took the triple/quad test Down Syndrome Risk 1/238

  • My doctor told me that anything less than 1 in 250 was not enough of a chance to need further testing and considered "normal". I know it's hard not to worry but a 1 in 238 chance is such a tiny percentage.
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  • Hope your okay, I was terrified too of my baby having downs, 1 in 238 though is still 0.5% of your baby having downs, it's 99.5% that he/she will be healthy, try to think positive! Your in my prayers xx
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  • I also had positive markers and a 1 in 217 chance with the quad screen with my first pregnancy. My son was born totally healthy. I know how you are feeling but please remember the odds are still way in your favor. What markers did you have? Some are more strongly associated than others. Did you have an NT scan in your first tri? You will be in my thoughts.
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  • The results with my DS #1 were around there. We had the amnio and everything came back fine. I was 19 at the time. There are lots of false positives with that test and remember that even women who get the 1/10,000 ratio could still be the 1 who has a baby with downs. Try not to stress as hard as that is.
  • With a 1 in 238 chance, the odds are overwhelming that your baby will be healthy. You should also ask your doctor about non-invasive prenatal testing, which uses a blood draw from the mother to analyze fragments of fetal DNA and identify chromosomal abnormalities in 99.5% of cases. It's a much more accurate test that the quad screen and has no risk to you or the baby. And FWIW, my doc found soft markers at my anatomy scan, and my daughter is perfectly healthy. Best of luck to you.
  • When I was offered the quad blood screening my doctor told me that the whole year she had only gotten 3 positives and all 3 babies came put completely fine. And she also said the give out a lot of fans positives. Try not to worry :( I took the test anyways and I know how I would feel in your position but stay calm if you can

    It's a BOY

  • My doctor told me that anything less than 1 in 250 was not enough of a chance to need further testing and considered "normal". I know it's hard not to worry but a 1 in 238 chance is such a tiny percentage.
    "Less than 1 in 250" means that the second number in that ratio needs to be higher than 250, so the OP's number would not actually fit within your doctor's cutoff though it's very close and you're right, it is still a very small percentage.

    I'm sorry, OP, I have no experience with this but I'm sorry you're dealing with it. I hope all is well in your follow-ups!
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  • I only have experience with having a high nuchal translucency result. But I do know how stressful the waiting in between testing can be. It's hard, though your dr does sound confident. I wish I could give you more input, but I know posting, and sharing helped me. Sending t's and p's.

    Being with my LO rocks! DD born 6/13/14.
  • I had a false positive across the board with my ds 1/50 for t18 1/125 for ds 1/50 for t13 I was 27 at the time and the dr immediately scheduled me for the materniti21 test its a blood draw quick easy and painless the hardest part is waiting 7 days for the results and you can get it at 14 weeks instead of waiting around for an amnio. Inquire with your Dr. To see if that or any other test is available to help ease your mind.

  • edited February 2014

    My doctor told me that anything less than 1 in 250 was not enough of a chance to need further testing and considered "normal". I know it's hard not to worry but a 1 in 238 chance is such a tiny percentage.

    "Less than 1 in 250" means that the second number in that ratio needs to be higher than 250, so the OP's number would not actually fit within your doctor's cutoff though it's very close and you're right, it is still a very small percentage.

    I'm sorry, OP, I have no experience with this but I'm sorry you're dealing with it. I hope all is well in your follow-ups!

    I'm sorry, I misread her number, but it's still a very low percentage.

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  • brook1901brook1901 member
    edited February 2014
    I had 1/37 in my first pregnancy, that was based primarily off a large NT fold (it was around 6!).  I don't remember exact numbers as this was over 4 years ago, but I went on and had a cvs test done and baby came back 100% healthy.  She's now 4 years old and perfect.  I would even say she's smarter than most kids her age (based off what her teachers have told me), and she was walking at 9 months.  No one know why she had such a big NT reading, but ultimately, it was a false positive.  I know my story is probably a minority with such a bad NT scan, but good outcomes definitely happen! GL.
  • Don't worry too much until you have more information.  Those odds are in your favor, currently.

    I finished reading the book "Expecting Better" by Emily Oster not long ago, and while it may not be a book everyone may enjoy or think has valid information, she has a chapter discussing prenatal testing that to me, made things make a lot more sense!

    She had a chart with Down Syndrome risk by age.  For 37, it's 1 in 224 (on average) which puts you pretty close to the average for your age-group.  Yes, you could still be the 1 out of that number, but here's some other numbers that are more likely:

    Car accident in the next year: 1 in 50
    Audited next year: 1 in 200

    Yet, we don't worry about those as much as we worry about the odds from these tests, and they are more likely!  

    I totally feel your anxiety, though.  My prenatal screening came back looking good, but I STILL worry.  I think it's what we do. :)  We just want everything to be okay!

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  • The genetics team at magee will actually show you a chart that better explains those numbers. The odds sound horrible, but they are not as bad as your would think. Magee also offers the verifi, maternit21, harmony, and panorama tests (I had mine today) and they are non invasive and no risk. They will tell you with 99% accuracy if the baby has downs or not. An amnio does run a risk of m/c, but they explain all of this too. When you schedule with magee they will schedule you time with a genetic counselor to help explain all of this. GL!
    TTC Since January 2012 Me:37 DH:34      DX July 2013: Unexplained Infertility      New DX Dec 2013: DOR
    BFP#1 6/4/12 EDD 2/13/13 M/C 6/6/12  BFP#2 2/21/13 EDD 11/3/13 M/C 2/26/13 BFP#3 C/P
    4 rounds of clomid, 2 with IUI = BFN
    November/December Retesting/Natural Cycle = Surprise BFP @ 11dpo! Beta#1 76.6@13dpo Beta #2 276@15dpo u/s#1 6w2d hb113 u/s#2 8w2d, measuring 8w4d hb168! 10w2d hb171 12w3d Verifi results are in and good! EDD 8/23 Our Baby Girl Rainbow Baby born 8/20/2014!!!
    Um...what? BFP 11/2/15!?! EDD 7/4/16
  • No experience with this but sending thoughts and hugs your way!
    Married 9/17/11 BFP 10/5/13 DS Oliver Stephen born 6/11/14 via C-section 8 lbs 9 oz BFP 8/14/15
  • I had a 1/210 chance and I understand your worries. My DH and I were very scared and I was a total wreck after hearing it. We went to the genetic counselor and opted to have the Materni21 screening done (the company my doc uses only charged us $100 dollars of what my insurance wouldn't cover) and everything came back great! I am 32 weeks today and she was wiggling and moving like crazy on the growth scan we had today! On top of the wonderful peace of mind we got knowing everything is genetically fine, we definitively know we are having a beautiful baby girl! Best of luck to you! I know its hard but try your best to think positive!

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  • My screening came back 1:5 I was scared for a week after having the Harmony test done that day. Test results came back this Tuesday and were normal. I also had my a/s yesterday and doctor said baby is perfect. Try not to worry I hope everything turns out ok. Hugs [-O<

    My screening came back 1:5 I was scared for a week after having the Harmony test done that day. Test results came back this Tuesday and were normal. I also had my a/s yesterday and doctor said baby is perfect. Try not to worry I hope everything turns out ok. Hugs [-O<
    So glad to see your post.  I had the same screening results, and am waiting for the Harmony results to come back. I like hearing stories like yours :-)
  • Glad I could ease your mind a little jfa21. I searched posts for odds like mine and found none. Hope all turns out well for you too. Hugs and try not to cry too much. [-O<
  • We just went through the same experience.  Ours was 1 out of 100.  I ended up having the amnio and then waited for the 14 days for the results.  Its really hard to make it through those 2 weeks but your odds are very good of having a healthy baby.  Honestly the waiting was the hardest time of my life.  I was crying every day and couldn't concentrate.  I think its a normal feeling when you are dealing with this.  I'm 35 so I feel like the false positives have to do with age.
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