May 2013 Moms

Omgoodness the baby fever!

Does anyone have it? We were supposed to be two and through!

We both want one or possibly two more now. So that will put us TTC around the beginning of next year sometime for baby 3. And since H's family is made up of primarily boys, we even have a name picked out. If it's a girl I'll be clueless.

I'm not the only one am I?

Brady (7.15.10) and Nolan (5.11.13)

Re: Omgoodness the baby fever!

  • I have it.


    And then DS wakes up at 4:30 every morning. Baby fever cured. No. Thank. You.

    Lol! LO is still up twice a night over here. I must have it bad!
    Brady (7.15.10) and Nolan (5.11.13)
  • I do too. DH says when R will finally STTN we can talk about TTC. In actuality I don't want to start trying until the fall. I EP and plan to be done once R hits the year mark. I'd love to have the summer to have my body to myself before I start the whole processes all over again. I know that sounds selfish.
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  • emmy236 said:

    I do too. DH says when R will finally STTN we can talk about TTC. In actuality I don't want to start trying until the fall. I EP and plan to be done once R hits the year mark. I'd love to have the summer to have my body to myself before I start the whole processes all over again. I know that sounds selfish.

    I do not think that sounds selfish at all. It's a good idea IMO. Gives us a chance to let our bodies get back to normal again. That is our plan exactly too. :)
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  • emmy236 said:
    I do too. DH says when R will finally STTN we can talk about TTC. In actuality I don't want to start trying until the fall. I EP and plan to be done once R hits the year mark. I'd love to have the summer to have my body to myself before I start the whole processes all over again. I know that sounds selfish.
    No that doesn't sound selfish to me. I have baby fever, but I'd die of I got pg right now. I've been trying really hard to make it to a year bfing and I still need to lose 8lbs and enjoy a summer before getting pg again, for my own mental state.
    Brady (7.15.10) and Nolan (5.11.13)
  • JoJo716JoJo716 member
    edited February 2014
    My friend just told me today she was pregnant and dh was like, "oh no, it is going to begin" but we can't start until the fall. I wanted to try at the year mark but that is not feasible. If other factors weren't considered, I would be ready right now!

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  • Ok good I'm not the only one!
  • No way!! You girls are crazy hahaha:)   Mine has been sttn and good for the most part but no where near ready.
  • I have it slightly but we are waiting to see how things are when she is 3 years old.
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                           BFP#1- April 24th. M/c-April 30th. BFP#2-September 11th. EDD: May 25th. 
                                      It's a girl!!! (: Madison arrived on May 19th at 6:35 am (:
                                                               * July '15 January siggy challenge.*
  • i think we are going to try when Little Bit turns two
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • I would love to be pregnant already but at the same time I am really enjoying this time with A the way things are.

    I loved having my boys young together and I would love for A to have a sibling somewhat close in age too. I go back to work in early June so I won't try before then. Also, I would like to be in shape before I start trying again.

    I haven't set a date because things may change but I would absolutely love to be pregnant or trying.
  • emmy236 said:

    I do too. DH says when R will finally STTN we can talk about TTC. In actuality I don't want to start trying until the fall. I EP and plan to be done once R hits the year mark. I'd love to have the summer to have my body to myself before I start the whole processes all over again. I know that sounds selfish.

    I feel the same way but if E actually weans herself by 1 year we'll be TTC then. My h wanted me to be prego when E was 6 months old, I wanted to wait until she was 18 months. So 1 year was our compromise. Why did I agree to that??
  • I definitely have it!!

     Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
    TTC #2:
    March - May 2014 - Natural cycles - no luck
    June 2014 - Clomid 50mg - BFN
    July 2014 - Clomid 50mg - BFN
    August 2014 - Clomid 50mg - BFN
    September 2014 - Clomid 50mg - Fingers crossed...

  • For sure have it.
    married 7.18.12   DS1 4.29.13   EDD 11.23.14


    my happy boy

  • Oh man... I've had it since Autumn was 6 months old.
  • I'm starting to get it. My husband is too. He says he wants 5....
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  • CNJ4EVACNJ4EVA member
    edited February 2014
    Not even a little bit.

    Don't get me wrong, I want more. But TTC is not even close to being on my radar right now.

    Edit not to replace but
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    O14 January Signature Challenge: Snow Fails
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  • I have it, then I panic, get it back, imagine never bring able to easily hop on a plane without DH again, panic, get excited, and on and on and on.


    My little bug, Madeline. Born June 2, 2013.

  • Everything was so easy when we only had B...I mean...we adjusted very quickly, outings were a piece of cake and so forth. So we definitely went back and forth on whether we wanted to rock the boat with another or not. W knew 100% that we wanted B to have a sibling so that was our deciding factor. Even while I was pregnant I went back and forth between being excited and being sad. B was my best buddy at the time, we did everything together, I couldn't imagine loving another baby and honestly I didn't want to (I know I suck). I remember the day my water broke and when we were leaving B at my parents I kissed him and hugged him a million times bc I knew it was all going to change and it did. It was so weird the first few days because I did indeed love both of them the same after all. I did and still have times where I greatly miss not having to split my time and it just being me and my buddy, but I love N so much and so does B so it's so worth it to me. B tells me he wants more Nolans lol. The sibling love is awesome. And now that I'm already splitting my time it will be easier to do it again.

    Oh, but it's definitely not easy to go anywhere at this point. Maybe when N is older. There is just under a 3 year gap between them.
    Brady (7.15.10) and Nolan (5.11.13)
  • Dh and I go back and forth on this. One minute I'll have baby fever and dh looks at me like I'm crazy. Next minute he's saying that if I want to I can stop taking birth control. The panic set in and I'm looking at him like he's crazy. Realistically, I think we'll wait until ds turns one.
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • Yep, I'm ready for another! We are NTNP, so we will see what happens. I want them to be close together, and really hope to be pregnant by the time she is one, or soon after.


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  • Oh we have it alright!! Since I had a c-section we have to wait a year. Which I am ok with. I want to loose a bit more weight before TTC, but we do want another one asap!

    Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

  • I have it bad.  Originally we wanted to space 2 years apart, but agreed to space by 3 years to get in a better financial situation.  Hurry up 3 years!

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