Update: Today's Beta was 1,346. Almost exactly doubled. So, nervously waiting for Friday's Beta.
Both excited and nervous - the nurse just called with our Beta number - 650 for day 19. I confess, I POAS on Saturday to get an idea of the outcome.
DH keeps asking if the number is good or not....I hate telling him that while the Dr is happy with that number, she is much more interested in seeing it double on Wednesday.
FX crossed to everyone still in the 2WW.
Married 10/06
Baby Girl "C" arrived on 10/07/14 (39 weeks, 6 days)
Re: Beta # 1 - BFP Mentioned - Updated
TTC #1 since August 2011
My Blog
September 2012: Start IF testing
DH (32): SA is ok, slightly low morph, normal SCSA Me (32): Slightly low progesterone, hostile CM, carrier for CF, Moderately high NKC, High TNFa, heterozyogous mutated Factor XIII, and +APA
October 2012-May 2014: 4 failed IUIs, 3 failed IVFs, and 1 failed FETw/donor embryos
November 2014: IVF w/ICSI #4 Agonist/Antagonist with EPP and Prednisone, Baby Aspirin, Lovenox, and IVIG for immune issues. Converted to freeze all due to lining issues. 2 blasts frozen on day 6!
January 2015: FET #2 Cancelled due to lining issues
April 2015: FET #2.1
PAIF/SAIF Welcome!
N14 Nov. Siggy: CELEBRATION!
TTC #1 since June 2012
Me (28) - DOR (AFC <10, undetectable AMH, >10 FSH), homozygous E429A MTHFR
DH (29) - MFI low count and morphology
September 2013 IUI#1 - Clomid + Trigger + IUI = BFN
October 2013 IUI#2 - Letrozole + Menopur + Trigger + IUI = BFN
Nov 2013 IVF/ICSI #1 - Protocol: BCP prep, high doses Menopur and Bravelle (12 days), ganirelex
Results: 5 retrieved / mature, 4 fertilized, 1 arrested and 3 complex abnormal after day 3 PGS = Cancelled after ER
Jan/Feb 2014 IVF/ICSI #2 - Protocol: Estrogen priming, high doses Menopur and Bravelle (11 days), microdose lupron
Results: Cancelled after 11 days of stims due to low response and E2 levels
Feb 2014 IVF/ICSI #3 - Protocol: No prep, low dose Menopur (6 days), ganirelex, Bravelle booster with trigger
Results: 1 retrieved / 0 mature = Cancelled after ER
Officially moving on to embryo adoption! We used and love Embryo Adoption Services of Cedar Park
October 2014 FET #1 - BCP/Lupron/Estrace/Prometrium, transferred 2 of 4 from match #1, BFN
December 2014 FET #2 - BCP/Lupron/Estrace/Prometrium, transferred 2 of 4 from match #1, BFN
March 2015 FET #3 - BCP/Lupron/Estrace/Prometrium, transferred 2 of 6 from match #2, BFN
May 2015 FET #4 - BCP/Lupron/Estrace/Prometrium, lost 2 to thaw, transferred 2 of 6 from match #2, BFN
October 2015 FET #5 - Natural cycle, lost 1 from match #3 and 1 from clinic backup to thaw, transferred 1 backup, BFN
February 2016 FET #6 - Natural cycle, transferred 1 from match #4, B FREAKING P!
Beta 1 = 162, Beta 2 = 316, doubling just over 48 hours
**Sig warning***
TTC since 9/2011. DH - 32, me 32.
IUI#1 (natural): BFN; IUI#2 (clomid): BFN; IUI#3 (clomid and follistim): BFN.
IVF #1 March 2013, freeze all (OHSS).
FET#1 June: BFN
FET#2 August: delayed due to thin lining (6.3). Took a few months off to try and thicken the lining with lots of estrodial. FET#2.2 December: Cancelled due to thin lining (4.8). Two frosties left.
*New RE* Sonohystrogram and hystereoscopy done in Feb.
IVF #2: ER 3/4/14 ET 3/7/14, transferred 3, 3 day 9 cell perfect embryos. No frosties.
Beta #1 (14dp3dt) 504
Beta #2 (21dp3dt) 11,561
First ultrasound on 4/3/14 showed 3 sacs: one empty and two with beating hearts!! At 7w2d, found out that one baby did not have a heartbeat anymore. Praying that baby B makes it. Baby B is a girl!
EDD 11/25/14 BORN 11/29/14
**PAIF/anyone welcomed to comment!! Thank you.
TTC since April 2012
BFP #1, 10/03/2012 - EDD 6/15/2013 - MMC 11/15/2012 - D&C 01/04/2013
BFP #2, 04/06/2013 - EDD 12/17/2013 - MC 04/19/2013
6/12/2013 Diagnosed with Balanced Translocation (12 & 16)
IVF #1 with PGS: 10/2013: Canceled 9/27/2013 for issues with genetic lab
IVF #1.5 with PGS: 11/16/2013: Canceled. 11 eggs retrieved, 9 mature & 9 fertilized, all unhealthy embryos
IVF #2: 1/22/14: Canceled. 16 eggs retrieved, 14 mature, 7 fertilized, all unhealthy embryos
IVF #3 with PGS: 5/10/2014: Switched to FET in July. 10 eggs retrieved, 9 mature, 8 fertilized, 2 healthy embryos!
FET #1: 7/31/2014: Transferred 2 nearly perfect (6AA, 6BA) healthy embryos- BFFN
Laproscopy: 10/2014: Healthy uterus
IVF #4: 12/8/2014: Canceled. 17 eggs retrieved, 15 mature, 10 fertilized, all unhealthy embryos
Everyone welcome on my posts
**** siggy warning - bfp & loss **** ---- All Welcome ---
Me: 44 - Hashimoto's (under control), DH: 38 - (minor issues)
IUIs: 2 in 2012 ... Both BFN
IVF #1: 10/16/13 ... BFP, however it was not viable and ended in an early loss at 7weeks.
IVF #2: Feb '14 ... Cancelled. Positive beta at baseline appt, became very early loss.
IVF #2: Apr '14 ... Retrieval Only. 2 embryos made it to day 3 freeze & will be batched with IVF #3 for PGD testing.
IVF #3: June '14 ... Retrieval Only. 4 embryos growing, all arrested before day 5. Two from April thawed, but also arrested.
Currently benched while determining how to proceed.
"Keep going until you can't fail"
***************************Loss Mentioned***************************
Me 37 y/o, DH 45 y/o; DH vasectomy reversal (his 2nd marriage) 11/8/12; TTC since 12/8/12. IVF due to MFI. DOR diagnosis April 2015.
IVF #1 BCPs/Antagonist w/ICSI Jan 2014 = BFN
IVF #2 MDL w/PICSI March 2014 = BFN
IVF #3 EPP/Antagonist w/PICSI May/June 2014 = BFP!; MMC 6w4d
IVF #4 No suppression/Antagonist Nov 2014/Converted to IUI #1 = BFNIVF #4.1 Feb 2015 = cancelled
IVF #4.2 April 2015 - Lupron Stop Protocol with ICSI = PGD testing of embryo indicated it was abnormal
IVF #5 June 2015 EPP with Antagonist
2013: BFP #1 - M/C 3/13
2015: Dance break = got healthy
7/2016: IVF #5 = BFP!!!
ET 9/10 - transferred 1 perfect 5AA blast
7dp5dt BFP ~~ Beta on 9/19 - 77.4 Beta #2 on 9/21 - 357
Low heartbeat on 10/7 86, lower heartbeat on 10/11 76, no heartbeat 10/14/13. D&C 10/15/13
Tests revealed MTHFR c677t mutation, put on Folgard.
FET #1 1/6/14 - 4BB blast - BFN
Me-39, HSG 2/13- clear. DS-IUI #1-3/13,300iu Menopur 12 days,3 days Cetrotide, Ovidrel Trigger-BFN. IUI #2 06/13, BFP EDD: 02/22/14 m/c (cp), IUI #3- BFP EDD: 5/17/14 m/c 09/13. Blood work/RPL panel- nk cell/MTHFR mutation- negative. Blood work all good. Unexplained reason for m/c. IUI #4 BFP m/c (cp) 10/13. IUI #5- 12/13 Cancelled. No response. (1)follicle. IUI #5.1- 2/14. IVF Bound
********************SAIF/ PAIF/ ALL ARE WELCOME***********************
All Welcome
***Losses mentioned***
***TTC since June 2011
***DH to see urologist Feb. 2013
***BFP #1: Feb. 2nd, 2013; M/C #1: Feb. 12th, 2013 5w3d
***1st RE appt. April 10th, 2013
***IUIs #1-4 all failed
***IVF Consult October 7th, 2013
***IVF #1- January 2014: ER 1/20, ET of 2 embryos 1/23, Beta 2/5 *none to freeze*
***Feb 14th, 2014- M/C #2 @ 5w5d
***RPL Bloodwork---- diagnosed with Factor V Leiden and MTHFR
***appt. w/ Genetic Counselor- April 18th
***hysteroscopy/laparoscopy scheduled for May 22nd- looks good
***IVF #2- July 2014
***7/26 Retrieval- 3 eggs , 2 fertilized , none to freeze
***7/28 ET- 2dt of 2 embryos, stick little embies!!!
***8/11 beta- BFN
***WTF- DE IVF best option now
***DE IVF- January 2015
Missing my 5 angels
Me (36) - LOR, DH (34) - MFI (low count & poor motility)
TTC since 01/2012
11/2012-04/2013 Unmonitored Clomid cycles through OB/GYN; Referred to RE
05/2013-Benched due to cyst
06/2013 - Clomid 50 mg + HCG Trigger + TI = BFN
07/2013 - Clomid 50 mg + HCG Trigger + IUI #1 = BFN
08/2013 - Clomid 50 mg + HCG Trigger + IUI #2 = BFN
09/2013 - Benched for lap & hysteroscopy (Stage II Endo Removed)
10/2013 - Menopur + HCG Trigger + IUI #3 = BFN
11/2013 - Menopur + HCG Trigger + IUI #4 = BFN
12/2013 - Clomid + HCG Trigger + IUI #5 = BFN
2/2014 - IVF #1 - Microdose Lupron Flare Protocol - 5R/4M/4F w/ICSI; 2 embies transferred on day 3 (none to freeze)
2/27/14 - First BFP Ever!!! EDD 11/3/14
***************************Loss Mentioned***************************
Me 37 y/o, DH 45 y/o; DH vasectomy reversal (his 2nd marriage) 11/8/12; TTC since 12/8/12. IVF due to MFI. DOR diagnosis April 2015.
IVF #1 BCPs/Antagonist w/ICSI Jan 2014 = BFN
IVF #2 MDL w/PICSI March 2014 = BFN
IVF #3 EPP/Antagonist w/PICSI May/June 2014 = BFP!; MMC 6w4d
IVF #4 No suppression/Antagonist Nov 2014/Converted to IUI #1 = BFNIVF #4.1 Feb 2015 = cancelled
IVF #4.2 April 2015 - Lupron Stop Protocol with ICSI = PGD testing of embryo indicated it was abnormal
IVF #5 June 2015 EPP with Antagonist
Great news!
f/k/a/ Kari3629
Me: 40/DH: 34
Unexplained IF
IVF #1 - 9/2013 8ER/5M/4EF/4ET = BFN
IVF #2 - 2/2014 - Fingers crossed this is the one!
4ER/3EF/3 "beautiful embryos" transferred - Beta March 7 = BFN
Everyone Welcome!
***Losses mentioned.*** TTC #1 since May 2012. Me: 37, OH: 41. Ectopic August 2012 => tubal damage. Stage 1 endo removed June 2013. IVF #1 Oct/Nov 2013: Long Lupron with Gonal-F. 7R, 7M, 7F. 2 txfer@3d. Nothing frozen. => M/C @ 8 wks. Selected RPL panel all normal. Very hyper and brittle response to stims. IVF #2 (antagonist protocol) Feb 2014 => Converted to IUI (Perfect conditions). BFN. IVF #2.1 w/ new RE June 2014: Antagonist protocol. 33R, 31M, 30F, 19 blasts to test!!! I made it through without crashing!! Hats off to Dr. Fancypants!! ET of one 5AB blast. BFN. 13 10 CCS'ed snowflakes! FET #1 PUPO as of 7/29 Betas: 8/7@24, 8/9@97, 8/11@334 (etc.) Two sacs on 8/15, one seen on 8/18 after a bleed. U/s 8/25 (6+3) "perfect": 5.9 mm + HB@120bpm! U/s 9/4 (7+6): 15.9 mm + HB@172 bpm! Please, PLEASE stick this time!!!!