Hoping you all might be able to help with a bit of a budgeting question. I know one of the things I will have to do on the application is list what my monthly expenses are. I've been tracking my spending carefully the last few months, and it seems I spend an unusually high amount on groceries per month for just one person. I do live in a higher cost of living area, and I tend to eat predominantly fresh/natural/organic. I know once I add a child in, I will continue with the fresh/healthy eating, but that my expenses (childcare, child activities, medical, etc) will increase. What's a reasonable monthly grocery budget for a family of 2 or 3? Thanks!
Road to motherhood started Jan 2014
Re: OT: Groceries
TTC # 1 Since October 2010 (Not preventing since 2009)
November 2013: Applied & Accepted by the Agency
January 2014: Home Study, education class, Profiles
February 2014: "Officially Waiting"