Before DS was born everything was done on friday night/saturday morning. It was awful.
Now we (I) do one load of laundry a day, and follow some kind of schedule. Errands are run on friday afternoons. Weekends are free from "heavy duty cleaning", it's just dishes and picking up toys/clothes (everyday stuff).
ETA example: on mondays, I clean the bedrooms (vacuum, mop floors if need be, windows, re-organize drawers that DS played in over the weekend, etc) and I wash the beddings. On tuesdays, I deep clean the kitchen so I wash the linens and table cloths. On wednesdays I clean the bathroom so I wash the towels and bath mats. Etc...
I clean everyday. Kitchen is always cleaned after every meal and swept and mopped after dinner. Laundry is generally done every other day. Trash is taken out every day. Vacuum and sweep the house every day. Bed is made every morning before work. Toilets and showers, bath mats and shower curtains are done every other day. It only takes me 20 minutes to do the extra stuff on a daily basis, the rest is just part of the routine. Its so much better than dedicating one whole day a week to cleaning everything! Once a month we clean the big stuff like curtains, blinds, wiping out cabinets, that kind of stuff.
Our apartment is small. DH and i have division of labor in cleaning. i clean our kitchen and living area everyday, DH cleans the room and the shower, and that's about it
Re: Do you have a cleaning schedule?
Now we (I) do one load of laundry a day, and follow some kind of schedule. Errands are run on friday afternoons. Weekends are free from "heavy duty cleaning", it's just dishes and picking up toys/clothes (everyday stuff).
ETA example: on mondays, I clean the bedrooms (vacuum, mop floors if need be, windows, re-organize drawers that DS played in over the weekend, etc) and I wash the beddings. On tuesdays, I deep clean the kitchen so I wash the linens and table cloths. On wednesdays I clean the bathroom so I wash the towels and bath mats. Etc...