July 2014 Moms


Hey I'm just wondering if anyone feels light headed when your not moving?... it seems like I am sitting still and it will come out of no where...?

Re: lightheaded???

  • I get it randomly throughout the day. Drink lots of water and make sure you keep crackers or something to snack on. I've heard it's totally normal. I stand all day at work so sitting for 5 min here and there helps me.
  • Sitting is fine for me but I've had a few moments when standing still for any length of time.
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
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  • Make sure you drink plenty of water! My doctor also told me to eat a piece of candy if I start to feel too lightheaded. I'm keeping Lifesavers in my desk and they seem to help!

    June Siggy Challenge: Dad Fails

    Married 7.28.2012
    DD born 7.27.2014
    BFP 09.2015 - m/c 10.21.2015
    BFP 4.12.2016...EDD: Christmas Eve 2016!

  • My doctor said to make sure I'm getting enough protein because I was having this issue
    BabyFruit Ticker
  • Everyday. At my appointment last Friday my MW told me dizziness and fainting are all the joys of pregnancy, but to make sure I was eating enough just to be sure. I wouldn't worry too much; just make sure you are drinking plenty of water and eating enough throughout the day. Hope you feel better!
    BabyFruit Ticker
  • Haven't yet, but last pregnancy my 2nd trimester was filled with faintness and actual fainting.  Standing still would always bring it on.  My MW told me it was normal for some women.  I have low BP so that was the culprit... it just got lower with pregnancy.
    DD 11/1/12
    DS 7/16/14
    DD Free from FPIES triggers as of 18 months! 
    Sweet potato, avocado, banana, mango, oats, wheat & rice outgrown.
    Dairy, soy, and peanut allergies outgrown! Allergic to eggs.
    DS MSPI, egg allergy
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