July 2014 Moms

When do you feel movement? And describe it?

hgtvmomhgtvmom member
edited February 2014 in July 2014 Moms
As a FTM who knows what I am really feeling, but I am curious how people describe feeling the baby move at first (other than gas bubbles).

Is it more likely to happen at certain times?

Here's what I have felt and assume it's their baby. Twice this week I have felt stuff after peeing when I have been holding it for a long time (once at work, while working on a project with the boss, then last night because bed is warm and cozy and I didn't want to meet the cold toilet seat).

Ya know how you can felt your heart beat from the inside? It feels kinda of like that, but less rhythmic and in my lower abdomen.

It's kinda like the kid is throwing a party because my bladder is no longer taking up all the room.

Re: When do you feel movement? And describe it?

  • I feel it mostly when I've been either sitting or laying down for several minutes. It feels like something is rolling/squirming in there, sometimes accompanied by pressure. So far it's always centered and goes on for anywhere from 4-5 seconds to a few mins. It hasn't been noticeable every day but some days I feel it several times. No obvious kicks or anything yet.
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  • I had one weird sensation last weekend which just felt like a flip in my lower abdomen, but last night was terrifying and pretty sure it was baby. I worked yesterday until 10:30, and when I laid down for bed, after a few minutes, I felt "tickles" from the inside that had a rolling sensation at or just under my belly button. I scared the crap out of my DH because I guess I cried out (my typical "ah!" When something ain't quite right) and got a terrified look on my face. He was all "what's wrong, what's wrong?!" And I'm just feeling like four or five "rolls" in succession before they stopped. And all I could manage was "i think the baby is moving. A lot." It was a creepy feeling, and it kinda made it hard to breathe because it scared the poo out of me because that feeling has never happened to me before.
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  • I feel it in the evenings when I'm lying slightly reclined on the couch. This is also when I used to feel DS move the most. Mine feels more like movement than flutters or bubbles right now.
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    DS born 3.12 
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  • BPaws said:

    My view is kinda tainted because I find baby movement really, really disconcerting..... Comforting, but creepy as hell (and yes, I'm super
    stoked my baby is healthy and moving.... But damn the movements creep me out).

    To me, it feels somewhat like a slippery snake flopping around. Have you ever seen a snake nest knot? Google it. When they wake up and start wiggling around, that's what it feels like to me. It's completely sporadic and spastic movement that feels like flippy, slithery pressure.

    Yup. I get the creepy as hell. Especially at 4am when I'm trying to get back to sleep! It's like I'm feeling things in the wrong part of my body.

  • I have felt movement once and only once. I was lying back in bed, very still and felt a solid and clear (but quite soft) thunk a few inches below my belly button. This nudge was very clearly nothing else so I instantly started crying and DH came running in thinking something was wrong! Everything else I have felt I have been very skeptical about, flutters and whatnot.
  • Well, with DS it started out feeling like butterflies fluttering around in there.  With this one I started feeling little taps about a week ago.  I first felt it for sure when DS was sitting on my lap and suddenly there was this tapping from inside, like the baby was kicking big brother!  I mainly feel it when I've been sitting still for a bit.
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  • I've been feeling kicks and the flopping around. The kicks feel like swift little pokes in my lower abdomen. The flopping around feels like a little fish swimming around in my ute. Its pretty freaking cool. At the same time I can't help but be blown away... I mean there's a life growing inside of me. So weird and so awesome :)



    BFP#1: 08/30/12 EDD 04/30/12 m/c 09/04/12 6wks
    BFP#2: 01/27/13 EDD 10/06/13 missed m/c 02/25/13 9wks
    BFP#3: 10/30/13 EDD 07/05/14 Our little dude was born on 07/10/14 @ 2:19p <3

  • For me, it mostly happens when I'm laying on my side, and feels mostly like somebody tapping on the inside of my stomach. It sometimes feels like a pulse, but less rhythmic. And one night, when DH had been poking at my tummy and talking to Sprout, he/she did a total flip and it was the freakiest thing I've ever felt.
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  • Just to add, around eating times, I felt it more with DS and possibly with this one.

  • It feels like a goldfish flopping to me.
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  • I have really started to feel movement in the last few days. To me, I feel it most when I am laying flat on my back in bed, which I do when I first get in bed and before I get out. Its never been comfy for me to sleep that way, even pre-preggo. I feel distinct kicks/punches. This morning my husband had his arm over me in bed and right where his elbow was, the baby was pushing against him like "hey, dad, you're squishing me!". I don't feel the baby moving yet when I am moving around because baby is still to small for that. 
    BabyFruit Ticker

  • Sometimes when hunched over or when the cat lays against my belly I feel pops. And not gas like. More solid. First felt it at 17w2d

    March 2013: First TTC trip to RE, On 1500 mg Metformin, April 2013:  PCOS and Endometriosis, May 2013:  DH Low volume; Femara 7.5 mg + IUI #1 = BFN, July 2013: Femara 7.5 mg + IUI #2 = BFN, August 2013:  Femara 7.5 mg (X5) + Bravelle (X7) + Ovidrel + IUI #3 + Endometrin = BFP  MC at 5w3d,
    October 2013:  Follistim (X14) + Ovidrel + IUI #4 + Endometrin =BFP!!! 





  • Nothing yet with this baby, but with LO1 I always felt her while I was eating or shortly after.  In the beginning it felt like someone was flicking me with their pointer finger + thumb (everyone knows what flicking means right?? This is starting to sound really dumb) from the inside.
    DD 11/1/12
    DS 7/16/14
    DD Free from FPIES triggers as of 18 months! 
    Sweet potato, avocado, banana, mango, oats, wheat & rice outgrown.
    Dairy, soy, and peanut allergies outgrown! Allergic to eggs.
    DS MSPI, egg allergy
  • **terrible mother alert** it's feels gross! Like a fish out of water flopping around in my belly. The other day it was so much movement it took my breath away. Most unusual feeling in the world
  • FTM 18.2 weeks and just felt for the first time what I know without a doubt was baby. I was leaning back in a recliner and put a little pressure down low on my left side and held it there for a bit, then I felt the baby squirm or flip in there... It took my breath away and felt like a fish!! So crazy! Can't wait to feel it more often!! Prior to this I have had a couple twinges or feeling that I have thought could maybe be baby but this was for sure it!! :)
  • This is making me excited and freaking me out! Can't wait to feel my fish/snake for the first time.
  • My dh felt it from the outside for the first time today. I'm not sure who was more horrified. We've been through this but it's still all alien conning out of my belly button like.
  • Looking at the tickers,  everyone is a feww weeks ahead of me.  I cant wait to feel something!

    BFP #1 11.10.13 EDD 07.22.14 Stick baby cake!
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  • This baby feels like a flutter of a birds wing of anyone can understand what that feeing. Baby is moving all over and I am loving the feelings.
  • Pretty sure I felt my first movement a few nights ago. I was laying on my back in bed and was almost asleep when I felt a little brush on the inside of my stomach. Totally different than gas or anything I've felt so far. Felt almost like it does when you run your fingers over your stomach really lightly, but on the inside instead of the outside. Hopefully I'll start feeling more as I get further along. Still pretty early. 
  • I have cramps everytime after I have to pee really bad, but have never felt extra baby movement because of it. I haven't felt any movement yet this time, but it can feel anything like very tiny thumps to a feeling like someone is gently running a paint brush across your insides. Weird, but neat. At least until it becomes full on jabs and kicks that can sometimes take your breath away.
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