July 2014 Moms

Pruney fingers?

I'm a FTM at 17w3d and for the past few days I've noticed that my fingertips are wrinkling randomly, like when you stay in the shower too long...I thought maybe dehydration, but I've had a lot of water today and they just got wrinkly again. Just wondering if anyone else is experiencing this or knows what could be causing it?

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Re: Pruney fingers?

  • Yeah, all dr. Google had delivered is other similar threads on TB or other pregnant boards, but none of them really got an answer. I'm not too concerned so I guess I'll just ask the OB next time I'm in and stay hydrated in the meantime...

    Pregnancy Ticker
  • That happened to me yesterday! I thought it was due to more frequent then average hand washing but who knows.
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  • I've noticed this too. It looked worse yesterday than it does today. I'm assuming it's a random pregnancy thing and leaving it at that!
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