Baby Names

Branson for a girl?

It's already not popular for a boys name, but I'm curious, does it have a chance for a girl?  Would a unique and more girlish spelling such as Bransyn be even worse?  Please be honest...DH and I are totally stumped!  We are also thinking about Blythe, Amelia, Taylor and Anne!  Any other ideas?  It just can't end in a "y" sound because our last name ends in a 'y' and is two syllables so it just doesn't sound good!  Also our DS is Emmett so names like Charlotte and Violet are out and those are two of my other favorites!  
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Re: Branson for a girl?

  • Blythe! Gorgeous and very uncommon.

    I'm sorry but Branson is TERRIBLE for a girl.
    "Bedo" - Apr. 16, '13

    #2 - EDD Nov.
    15, '14
  • Branson is horrible
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  • LOL!  Ok, I promise I won't name her Branson...or any other weird variation of that name!  I'm just hormonal and not thinking clearly!  I am also considering Elise, I forgot that in my aforementioned list.  I just have so many friends with daughters...all of the good names are taken!  I'm trying to use Anne or Elizabeth in there somewhere because that is my grandma and mother's middle names.  I'm just not sure about Anne Elizabeth or vice versa.  
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  • No. Branson is not a very good name for a boy and especially for a girl, and Bransyn is a zillion times worse IMO. I like Blythe, and I don't see why you really need to write off Charlotte or Violet. I'm assuming because they end with -et sounds? They're both beautiful names! Branson is just not even in the same league. At all.

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  • No. Branson is not a very good name for a boy and especially for a girl, and Bransyn is a zillion times worse IMO. I like Blythe, and I don't see why you really need to write off Charlotte or Violet. I'm assuming because they end with -et sounds? They're both beautiful names! Branson is just not even in the same league. At all.
    I just feel like the -et sound is too much.  I love Charlotte so much, but I think saying Emmett and Charlotte together all of the time would be annoying.  Same with Violet sadly.  I'm seriously thinking Blythe might be a good choice...
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  • Yeah yuck. No no no. Blythe Elizabeth is beautiful. So is Elise.
    My prince

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  • I like Blythe, how about Briar?

  • Branson is actually a town in missouri. I dont like it though.

    I do like your choices of Bythe and Anne though.
  • BulgariHeartBulgariHeart member
    edited January 2014
    Nooooo, it's baaaaaad! I'm not a fan of Blythe either but it's definitely better. I wouldn't worry about Charlotte... Violet sounds rhyme-y next to Emmett but Charlotte doesn't ... I don't think. Edited typo
  • elizabeth anne
  • Blythe all the way. Branson is bag, with a y is terrible.
    "Normal day, let me be aware of the treasured day you are. Let me learn from you, love you, bless you before you depart...let me hold you while I may."


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  • I love love love Blythe. I won't comment on Branson/syn.

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • As you have been told, Branson is bad and Bransyn is worse.

    I really love Elise and Amelia!! Blythe is nice too. Taylor feels dated and Anne a tad boring, IMO. 


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  • Looking at your entire list, Branson is the black sheep. 

    Lilypie First Birthday tickers

  • Branson is terrible. Love Amelia
  • Joy2611 said:
    I'm looking at your choice of "Branson" with a stare of death tinted with hatred and a dash of "wtf."
    I can't even discuss Bransyn.
    Your other choices are so lovely, feminine and awesome.  Your daughter deserves one of those.  Not that last name, Downtown Abbey-inspired, trendy, male name. 
    EDIT: Oh, I see you agree!  Yay!!  I love Anne like whoa.  Blythe also has this air of sophistication around it.  It's cool and different.  Elizabeth is always a win, in my opinion. 
    Yep, this is my reaction too. I also really like Elise. You have so many nice girl names on that list that are not Branson/syn.


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  • Definitely no to Branson for a girl (I'm glad to see you agree!). 

    I really like pps suggestion of Blythe. 

    Anne is pretty, but I like Anna even more. So feminine and classic.
    Me: 27   DH: 28
    Married: November 2015
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  • Branson/Bransyn should definitely come off the list.

    Blythe is awesome!

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  • Sorry I think Branson is terrible for a girl- I don't even like it for a boy.    All of your other choices are very pretty especially Blythe and Amelia
  • Seriously, Branson is the LAST NAME OF THE MALE BUTLER on Downton Abbey.

    Oscar born October 2011

    Miscarriage at 8 weeks (August 2013)

    DD due September 1, 2014

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  • Wow, that is from left field considering your otherwise lovely girl name choices (well, I'm meh on Taylor but otherwise they're great).  I could accept Branson for a boy if it was a family name.
    DD born 10/10/07 * DS born 11/25/11 * #3 due 3/9/2015
  • BlueRidge8BlueRidge8 member
    edited January 2014

    Seriously, Branson is the LAST NAME OF THE MALE BUTLER on Downton Abbey.
    Hey hey.. he was the driver.

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

  • Seriously, Branson is the LAST NAME OF THE MALE BUTLER on Downton Abbey.
    Hey hey.. he was the driver.
    Yeah and he is totally trying to make it as upper class now. Give him some cred. I do love him, he's a little dreamy....  ;)

    Name is terrible on everyone. 
      It's a girl!! EDD 2/28/15
    BabyFruit Ticker
  • Ah you're right! I was thinking Carson. *hangs head in shame*

    Oscar born October 2011

    Miscarriage at 8 weeks (August 2013)

    DD due September 1, 2014

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  • Kmommy91 said:
    Blythe! Gorgeous and very uncommon. I'm sorry but Branson is TERRIBLE for a girl.

    ALL of this!

    I also really like the very simple Anne.


    BFP 1- EDD 2/09/11 Missed MC DX @11 weeks D&C- 7/25/10 BFP 2- EDD 12/22/11 Natural MC @ 5w 2d BFP 3- EDD 1/25/12 DD Josephine born 1/16/12

    Lilypie - (TUWi)


  • I cannot for the life of me figure out why it's even being considered.
  • No to Branson or any variation.

    I love Elise, Anne, and Elizabeth. Elise is probably my all time favorite girl name but we can't use it. I would vote for Elise Anne, with Elizabeth Anne coming in second.
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  • Explanation of how this even happened:  We were sure we were having another boy and we really liked the name Branson Patrick for him, so when we found out it was a girl we have really been stumped for a name.  It was my mother who thought we could do Branson for the girl still and I was just really wondering how crazy that was!  Glad to know it's totally crazy and not happening, so DH and I are really thinking hard on Blythe, Anne, Elise and Amelia.  I kind of wanted a name that was a little boyish, but so far nothing is working out for that.  I like Dylan but DH hates that for a girl.  Thank you for the feedback!  It's really helpful!  
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  • Blythe gets my vote! !
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  • I like the other names you have picked out. 

    Or how about...

  • Ha ha,  sorry OP but no.  I live in Missouri and to everyone here Branson is a hokey, hillbilly tourist town.  There is just no way.  Especially for a girl and especially spelled Bransyn.  
  • Horrible. Please don't.
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  • It's so funny, I'm from Oklahoma and my good friend is from Missouri and she loves the name Branson!  
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