March 2012 Moms

Terrible twos-they werent joking

Does anyone else have a child that is out of control when they dont have their way? My daughter is SO defiant (example: okay lets go, or time to get in the car--her response NO! Runs away, lays on the floor as I pick her up screaming), screaming when she doesnt get her way etc. Full on meltdowns. Its exhausting! Am I alone here?
Kingsley Kennedy Wolff born March 16, 2012!!!

Re: Terrible twos-they werent joking

  • I think you are in good company... 95% of the time my kid is adorable, easy going, fun and sweet as can be

    .. the other 5%  .........OMFG pass the vodka. X_X
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • Wipz said:
    I think you are in good company... 95% of the time my kid is adorable, easy going, fun and sweet as can be

    .. the other 5%  .........OMFG pass the vodka. X_X

    We are closer to 75% angel 25% demon spawn over here. And all I ever hear is how 3 is worse!
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  • Wipz said:
    I think you are in good company... 95% of the time my kid is adorable, easy going, fun and sweet as can be

    .. the other 5%  .........OMFG pass the vodka. X_X
    Yup, this is us too.. but we're closer to 80/20 or so.  Very high drama times around here.. DS has mastered the full fledged throwing himself on the floor kicking and screaming.  Good times.  
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  • DH was upset this afternoon because he was worried that DD would never like anything ever again.  I had to remind him that it is a phase and she'll (eventually) grow out of it!

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • KrsCrp83 said:
    Wipz said:
    I think you are in good company... 95% of the time my kid is adorable, easy going, fun and sweet as can be

    .. the other 5%  .........OMFG pass the vodka. X_X
    Yup, this is us too.. but we're closer to 80/20 or so.  Very high drama times around here.. DS has mastered the full fledged throwing himself on the floor kicking and screaming.  Good times.  

    Same here! I would say 90/10 :P

    When I tell him to do something or not to do something he says "NO NO NO" sometimes he will throw himself on the floor.

     Another thing that gets to him bad, is when he is playing with his trains (which have magnets to connect) and if they detach OMG it gets crazy! He throws them all and hits the tracks with bare hands! haha its frustrating at times but also funny. I try to be as patient as possible and explain to him that it's ok if they fall apart and how he can put them back together. ugh. Good luck ladies!

  • LOL- I had to laugh at the wet socks! The nerve of you to take them off;)

    Okay, glad I am not alone here- Id say we are 75% to 25%-the girl is dramatic

    She has also mastered saying "poo poo potty" (in a whiney/cry voice) right before bed, or when getting out of the bath ( to stall). Lo and behold she actually DID poop last night on the potty after sitting on it for 10 min refusing to get up while I got frustrated-oops
    Kingsley Kennedy Wolff born March 16, 2012!!!
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