February 2013 Moms

Early FFFC

Sorry ladies, but I really need to get this off my chest. I spanked my dog today. I never ever do that. But he has just been so bad lately... He peed on DS's toy/ subsequently, the rug in the living room, peed in the basement and I just caught him on the kitchen counter eating off DS's tray (his supper was ready, just cooling down). I have had enough of his antics. And he is NOT asking to go outside when he needs to pee. He even had bad diarrhea a week ago and never asked to go out.

 Reflecting back on it, it's been so hard to get him exercised lately because of the weather. He goes outside, then can barely walk because his paws freeze up, so you can't throw a ball for him or take him for a walk. I know this is him acting out from the lack of exercise, and this is a result of out fault, but still. Grrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!
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Re: Early FFFC

  • I totally hear you on the bratty dogs. My little dog is being a butt too.
                    We're Going to be a Family of 5!

    Lilypie - (PaHE) Lilypie - (4noI)

                                   Lilypie - (2q9u)

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  • My confession is that I've been milking the pregnancy sickness. I totally and completely feel like absolutely trash and every thing makes me want to puke. I actually threw up six times just watching dishes yesterday. But I've been pulling that card a lot this past week.

    And I don't feel bad. Dh does so much not in the house that often I give him the pass on not helping with the kids or the house. But I've been hit by a bus and he can sick it up and help.
                    We're Going to be a Family of 5!

    Lilypie - (PaHE) Lilypie - (4noI)

                                   Lilypie - (2q9u)

  • TamaraR4 said:
    My confession is that I've been milking the pregnancy sickness. I totally and completely feel like absolutely trash and every thing makes me want to puke. I actually threw up six times just watching dishes yesterday. But I've been pulling that card a lot this past week. And I don't feel bad. Dh does so much not in the house that often I give him the pass on not helping with the kids or the house. But I've been hit by a bus and he can sick it up and help.
    When I was KU I used to be like, "Oh honey, I'd do the dishes, but I'm sooo tired. Would you?"

    I'm terrible. ;-)


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  • I totally bop my dog on the head when he's being a pain in the butt. But that doofus will run full-tilt into mailboxes and cars during our walks and not flinch, so I don't feel too bad about it. I think most of the time he thinks I'm playing, because he will headbutf my hand as if to say, "Again, mommy!"

  • Drea926 said:
    TamaraR4 said:
    My confession is that I've been milking the pregnancy sickness. I totally and completely feel like absolutely trash and every thing makes me want to puke. I actually threw up six times just watching dishes yesterday. But I've been pulling that card a lot this past week. And I don't feel bad. Dh does so much not in the house that often I give him the pass on not helping with the kids or the house. But I've been hit by a bus and he can sick it up and help.
    When I was KU I used to be like, "Oh honey, I'd do the dishes, but I'm sooo tired. Would you?"

    I'm terrible. ;-)
    We were moving when I was KU. I made my BIL come down from Delaware to do all the heavy lifting. While I took naps. And arranged picture frames. :)

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    BFP- 5/23/12 EDD- 1/23/13 DS born 2/2/13

    Baby BOY #2 coming in May!

  • I actually yelled at DS the other day. It wasn't a yell-session, but it was definitely more than just raising my voice when I told him to "STOP IT". One time he was even fuss-crying and I yelled, "IT'S OK." I have felt bad about it ever since. I just got over a stomach bug and now have a cold/sinus infection, which is making me cranky. My personality literally changes when I get sick like this, and I get super stressed super easily. I feel so horrible about taking it out on him. He literally wasn't doing anything *wrong*, I was just stressed out. I feel sooo, so bad about it. :(  I don't want to be a mom who yells… especially at my 11 mo. 


  • I actually yelled at DS the other day. It wasn't a yell-session, but it was definitely more than just raising my voice when I told him to "STOP IT". One time he was even fuss-crying and I yelled, "IT'S OK." I have felt bad about it ever since. I just got over a stomach bug and now have a cold/sinus infection, which is making me cranky. My personality literally changes when I get sick like this, and I get super stressed super easily. I feel so horrible about taking it out on him. He literally wasn't doing anything *wrong*, I was just stressed out. I feel sooo, so bad about it. :(  I don't want to be a mom who yells… especially at my 11 mo. 

    No worries, friend. We're *all* going to yell at our LOs at some point because we're human. Doing it occasionally when you're stressed or sick does not make you "a mom who yells."


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  • Also why in the hell did I plan an actual birthday party? What should have been simple cake and ice cream has turned into me steam cleaning the carpets, putting together goodie bags and 30 people coming over.

    Married: August 2008
    DS born: February 2013
    TTC #2: Nov. 14
    Chemical pregnancy 09/16/15
    BFP: 12/25/15 EDD: 09/04/16
  • @singingsea we got savvy and are holding it at my mom's house! BAZINGA!!!
    Lilypie Second Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers
  • I have a real flamworthy confession. I have DD who is 11.5 months old and developmentally delayed, has had an ear infection for 3 weeks(2 days in hospital and many follow ups at office), has been having episodes of racing heart rate, has a helmet which involves drs appointments 2-3 hours from home etc etc.I also have a 22 month old foster son who has been with us for 6 months and will be with us for.....who knows? maybe 6 more?. This week we actually considered telling DFCS that they need to find somewhere else for him to go.

    I know how awful that is because it is NOT his fault and I am the one that chose to have him in my home. I love him, it is just overwhelming. It just seems like when I got him I had a happy healthy 6 month old and now DD needs more of my time/attention. Some days I just get to the point where I think my lack of patience with them is helping NO ONE.  He is NOT an easy child though his behavior/speech/understanding had improved greatly since we have had him. He just never stops.  It's exhausting. It is my fault for not forseeing how difficult this would be. He is just much more high maintenance compred to other children I have had and now DD has been dealing with medical/therapy needs. DH and I work full time and it's exhausting.

    But then he runs up yelling Mama and hugs my leg or asks to go to the potty and actually goes (happened yesterday) and I am filled with pride in how far he has come and I can't make him go live with someone else....I just need to cheer for his mom to get everything together so that he can go home. THAT  I would not feel guilty about since that is the end goal in his case.

    I feel REALLY guilty for even considering sending him away :-(

  • @jenniferraborn - For some reason, your post made me tear up. No flames from me. You are doing a wonderful job. Hang in there, mama!


  • @kleigh926 - I'm jealous of your breakfast of champions ;)


  • Rosebean said:

    Sidenote: as I was typing this, I looked up and DS was racing off with my bra.... Maybe I should actually put it on. 
    I just about fell off my chair reading this...  =))
                    We're Going to be a Family of 5!

    Lilypie - (PaHE) Lilypie - (4noI)

                                   Lilypie - (2q9u)

  • I ate chocolate cake for supper.
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