Stay at Home Moms

Anyone have a version to turn a breech baby?

So I still have time but I am beginning to get a little nervous. I am 30 weeks and this little guy is perfectly content floating head up. I want to try a version before we jump to section. I checked out the spinning babies website but evidently the site is smarter than me and I can't find the actual section of exercises to get him to turn.

Re: Anyone have a version to turn a breech baby?

  • edited January 2014
    I know this isn't version advice but my son flipped at 36 weeks and was 10lbs at birth. you're tall like me if i remember correctly--he's got plenty of room/time to turn still.
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  • KC_13 said:

    I know this isn't version advice but my son flipped at 36 weeks and was 10lbs at birth. you're tall like me if i remember correctly--he's got plenty of room/time to turn still.

    Thanks yes I am tall, he is big too so that had me worrying your story made me feel better. Thank you.

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  • I had a version. It didn't work, but that was OK. My baby was breech the whole time and having the version helped me feel like I had given it a good shot and she was just not going to budge. I didn't find it to be overly painful, just uncomfortable. I did almost pass out but that's just me--from lying on my back and having had to fast. 

    If it doesn't work, fwiw, my c-section was a really good experience. Everyone's different, but mine went really great and I actually preferred it in many ways. My first two were vaginal.
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  • My SIL had a version, and it did work. I think 30 weeks is kind if early to start worrying about it, though. I guess trying exercises wouldn't hurt anything, but even if you do get the baby to turn, if it's too early he might just keep turning back up again until he's ready...?
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  • I chose not to try the version.  DD was breech from 28 weeks until the end and delivered via c-section.  I made my own decision not to go for a version.  
    That being said, I do remember trying the exercise of going on all fours (hands and knees) and rocking back and forth and crawling around alot.
    It didn't work for me, but does work for some.  
    I know there are other exercises, that is the one that is sticking out in my head right now...
    Good luck!  There is still plenty of time!

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  • I did. It didn't work, but like pp said I'm glad I tried. Despite what you will hear on the BMBs, the success rate is actually around 75% with a very low rate of complications. More likely to be successful on a second + time mom. I've heard really good things about chiropractic adjustments for encouraging good positioning.

    You definitely have time though- they usually don't start trying versions until 36ish weeks. Turn baby, turn!
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  • alli2672alli2672 member
    edited January 2014
    I did.  It didn't work and sent me into labor.  It is very painful, just so you know. 
    They also had to do it in the OR.  I can't remember why.  I hope he flips!

    ETA:  I was 37 weeks, and he had already engaged.  It is also entirely possible that I was just about to go into labor anyway, and the timing with the version was a coincidence.
    Also, I looked up why they did it in the OR, and I guess there are a few things that can (rarely) happen that require an emergency section.   
  • edited January 2014
    If I remember correctly, it is called the Miles circuit. I can't remember exactly how to do it, though. ETA: Here you go.
  • If I remember correctly, it is called the Miles circuit. I can't remember exactly how to do it, though.

    Thank you gives me something to google!
  • This isn't version advice because I haven't tried one. (Although, if my MW thought I was a good candidate I would try. And then second choice would be breech birth.)

    Anyway, to encourage good positioning don't sit on soft chairs or sofas. Hard surfaces like the floor are best. (You tend to recline back in chairs/sofas. Leaning forward slightly is better.) Also, the one exercise I can remember from spinning babies involved kneeling on the sofa with forearms on the floor. 

    I hope baby flips (and as you know, there is still plenty of time)!
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  • KC_13 said:
    I know this isn't version advice but my son flipped at 36 weeks and was 10lbs at birth. you're tall like me if i remember correctly--he's got plenty of room/time to turn still.
    DS didn't flip until about 34 weeks and I was really small. I never grew past 31 weeks and he still had room to flip. I don't have any real advice to add but don't worry yet ;) Also, I can't believe you're 30 weeks!

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  • auroraloo said:


    I can't do it. I am seriously ticker dumb!!!!!
  • YouTube spinning babies. They have videos on there & also yoga moves to help. I tried a couple of the videos but it didn't work me. My doc offered to flip her but I declined & ended up having a c section- & my experience was a breeze! I know everyone says differently but I over thought it & got myself all worked up. 

    Hope baby flips! Good luck!
  • I didn't do a versionso I have no advice there. DS was breech until 32 weeks and flipped on his own. I am only 5'3 and small and he had room
    To flip. There is still time. I hope baby flips!!
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  • I did. It didn't work, but like pp said I'm glad I tried. Despite what you will hear on the BMBs, the success rate is actually around 75% with a very low rate of complications. More likely to be successful on a second + time mom. I've heard really good things about chiropractic adjustments for encouraging good positioning. You definitely have time though- they usually don't start trying versions until 36ish weeks. Turn baby, turn!
    Never had a version, but wanted to say I agree with pp about finding a good chiro, some also do acupuncture which can help.  I was surprised to learn that my insurance covered 90% for acupuncture so it doesn't hurt to call insurance and see what they will do for you.
  • No advice, but DD turned at 38 weeks on her own. There's still time. April 10th was my induction date with her, born the 11th! GL!
  • Thanks ladies I have a consult with a chiropracter tomorrow at 2.
  • I tried a version and as soon as she put her hands on me I started crying in pain. I have back problems and being flat on my back with her pushing down was just too much. I had a scheduled csection and it was a breeze in comparison to my vaginal delivery. GL
  • I propped my ironing board against my couch & laid upside down on it for 20minutes everyday & my son flipped. Coincidental maybe but I didn't want a section so I was willing to try anything.
  • No advice on a version but anecdotal evidence FTW, right? DD was breech until the cut off day to schedule my C section (37 weeks). The day before she was still breech. So hopefully your babe will be a stinker and turn at the last minute!

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  • DS (my 2nd child) was breach at 38 weeks. My Dr said they did not do versions, and if I wanted to try it she would refer me to another Dr in the city. I really did not want to go to the inner city hospital, so I decided to hope for the best. I was scheduled to have a csection at 39 weeks, and when I went for a final check 2 days before, he had flipped. You definitely have plenty of time! Fwiw I am petite and had a large baby (8lbs 13oz) and he was still able to flip at full term.
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