Hey ladies! I have a 15 month old son I have been cloth diapering since he was born, and now I am expecting baby number 2, due in August. At that time, my son will be 22 months old and I don't imagine he will be ready for potty training (although I guess, who knows?). Can anyone give me an idea of how many diapers I need to add to my stash to make them work for 2 kids? I have BumGenius 4.0s and Freetimes, so all one size. I believe I have about 18-20 of them. Trying to plan ahead and shop gradually (maybe pick up one diaper a month to spread the expense). Any tips or tricks about CD'ing two kids is welcome! Thanks in advance!
Re: If you have 2 kids in cloth diapers, come on in ...
I have about 20 prefolds and 7-8 covers plus about 30 AIO/Pockets...
Ok... nevermind... maybe I already have 2 stashes...
You can only fit so many diapers in the washing machine at a time, and even if your older one isn't trained he will need fewer changes/day by that time.
I'm not worried about the resale value... I will donate any diapers that have some life in them... but we're gonna be on a pretty tight budget for the next year or so while i'm on mat leave...
That said.. my original stash was about $800... so diapering each kid for about $400 isn't too bad!
We've got a few that need repairs/ are at the end of their life, but most of them esp. my BGs (snaps...) are still in pretty good shape... so they should last for this one too... and we've been pretty rough with them... we machine dry (gasp!)
DD is 2 and DS is 1 month. I still use primarily prefolds and covers with him but he fits in to BG 4.0 and Charlie Banana OS. He's still too small for the freetimes and I tried a few others but his legs are still too tiny. If you are anti-prefold you could also do some fitteds/workhorse style diapers but that will be a bit more costly.