2nd Trimester

Hip / Pelvic Pain?

Hi Ladies!  I'm 15 weeks today and was hoping that someone might be able to provide some advice on some really painful hip and pelvic pain I started having.  I worked out on the elliptical last night (nothing too heavy, only 25 mins) and felt fine.  But when I got up this morning, I had some really severe lower left pelvic pain.  This sounds really weird, but it almost felt like there was a pressure bubble in that area.  I'd go to move and have to bend over it hurt so badly.  I laid down for a few minutes and felt better. 

When I was at work today, I went for a short walk and almost immediately afterwards my left hip started throbbing.  The pain wraps around my back and is so uncomfortable.  I'm trying to tell myself I just overdid it on the elliptical last night, but should I be worried about the baby?  Is this pain normal?  I haven't had any spotting, but do I need to call a doctor?  Thanks so much for your help :)

Re: Hip / Pelvic Pain?

  • It never hurts to call the Dr. and just let them know whats going on, that way they can make the decision. I wouldn't worry too much though and try and rest up!
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  • Welcome to pregnancy! I'm going crazy with sciatica, and some weird pressure pains in the left side of my pelvis. Brutal.
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  • My hips and lower back hurt whenever I spend a good amount of time on my feet being active...my last 1-2 miles of a 5 mile cross country ski trip was downright painful.  I noticed it again when walking, too. 


  • Probably normal but call your doc if you're super worried. I've had similar pain for the past few weeks, unlike anything I had with my 1st. I finally called my doc last week, they had me come in to ultrasound and check my cervix just to make sure, everything was good. She told me it's pelvic pressure and growing pains. What helps me is sleeping with my snoogle at night, not wearing my heals at work anymore, staying hydrated, baths and stretching.
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  • the baby could possibly be sitting on a nerve or moved into a wierd spot causing the pain.....im having that same pain in the left side of my "area" i looked it up it's called symphasis pubis dysfunction(spd) and it basically means things have shifted and r out of alignment due to your growing body and said it should subside after delivery.....only thing i found that helps is sleeping with a really soft squishy pillow between my legs......hope this helps

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