Cloth Diapering

Quick fix for wicking at the tag?

I've been trying to work out the various leak issues that I'm having with my NB stash, and have discovered that my BG NB AIO's are wicking through the tag sometimes within a half hour of putting the diaper on DS2. I didn't have high hopes for these diapers based on their reviews, and only bought a couple of them at a seconds sale. I would like to be able to get some use out of them, though, so if anyone has any suggestions on how to fix the problem I'd love to hear them. I expect there is very little that I can do, but any advice is appreciated.
OHM born 12/16/11, BAM born 1/10/14, mmc 06/30/15
BabyFruit Ticker

Re: Quick fix for wicking at the tag?

  • put them in the dryer on high for 15 minutes…to seal the PUL and seams around the tag

    or, put a thin towel over the tag area and press it with an iron. Same concept…seal the pul with heat
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