Parenting after a Loss

Favoring One Side

How do you get your baby to sleep on one side of their head vs the other. My boys are 4 months 1 month adjusted and they both favor one side of their head. Now one side looks flatter than the other. I have tried putting them to sleep on the other side, moving toys to the other side etc... They still move their head back to the side they favor. We see the doctor on the 4th and I plan on asking but thought I would ask here too. Any advice would be appreciated.

Re: Favoring One Side

  • Definitely ask about torticollis. Twins are more likely to have it as are preemies. Both my boys had a strong preference for looking to the right and were diagnosed with torticollis shortly after coming home. S improved rapidly with PT but J's tort was trickier. Ultimately he needed a helmet to fix the plagiocephaly/flatness and it was nbd.

    One thing you can do is TONS of tummy time. Any time you guys can watch them have them on their stomachs. Also put all their toys to the side they don't prefer.
    Lilypie Premature Baby tickers
    Married 9/22/07, began TTC 8/10
    Diagnosed with DOR, LP defect, mild endometriosis and cysts
    BFP #1 EDD 9/10/11, natural miscarriage at 6w
    BFP #2 Medicated cycle, twin boys born 4/4/12 at 29w4d
    BFP #3 EDD 8/8/14, D&C for missed miscarriage at 8w, baby boy with triploidy
    BFP #4 June 2014 CP
  • Another vote for asking about torticollis. My DS had it as well, and mild plagiocephally as well. His was corrected by PT when he was about 4-6 mos old.

    Ditto the suggestions Missa had and the stuff you are already doing is on the right track.

    BFP#2 2.5.11 (EDD 10.15.11) DS born 9.28.11

    BFP#4 8.27.13 (EDD 5.6.14) DD born 4.23.14


    Lilypie - (2llN)

    Lilypie - (2L9u)


      My Recipe Blog
    ~All AL'ers welcome~

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  • We went through this with DS.  The only thing that really worked for us was weekly PT to get his neck muscles loosened up.
  • It sounds like torticollis.  DD has is too, she also has the flattening.  The flattening also tends to be more common with preemies.  Their skulls are softer than most newborns and are more susceptible to it.  Our pedi had us increase tummy time, and he also gave us some stretches. He also has us "sandbag" her head head when she is sleeping, or in the swing or car seat, to keep head in an upright position.

    We've been doing the stretches for the past 2 months, and she now easily moves from side to side.  She will occasionally revert back to her preferred side, but it is no longer a constant.  had the stretches not worked, we would have been referred to PT.  The flattening has ever so slightly started to correct.  Our pedi hopes that once she starts rolling over and spends more time upright and on her tummy playing, that it will not need intervention.   In the event that it does, she will need banding.  Right now we are still in the wait and see stage.

    TTC started Oct '10
    Me: AMA w/RSD, atypical PCOS w/IR, LPD and High Prolactin. Controlled HP post-loss.
    DH: Low-T and borderline morph
    18 cycles, 3 medicated w/RE to get to a BFP!
    EDD 9/7/12, Saw HB @7w3d,missed m/c 1/30 @8w3d, d&c 2/8
    11 AL cycles, 9 medicated/IUI cycles. All BFFN!
    Moving forward with IVF
    BFP#2 our little cycle break surprise on AL cycle 12! EDD 10/27/13
    Beta #1: 41 Beta #2: 398; perfect u/s 3/11 hb @133bpm
    u/s 3/25 one perfect hb @183 bpm, adjusted EDD 10/23/13
    MaterniT21 and carrier screens normal. It's a girl!!!
    Severe Pre-E, HFpEF, PE, AMA & IF= OAD

    Lilypie Premature Baby tickers
    All IF/AL Welcome!
  • Thank you so much ladies. I will definitely ask about torticollis.
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