For a baby shower that you have turned down numerous times?
Back story- I am pregnant with DS2, due in march. Ds1 will be 4 in September. I am against 2nd showers unless there is a legit reason to need one. In my case, there is not a reason to have another one.
All of ds1 clothes went to my best friend. So I will be getting all of those back plus some things I've bought hand me down and things she got at her shower. I still have his stroller, car seat, swing, crib. Everything...
I've been stocking up on diapers and wipes as I can. Just bought enough baby wash to last until the new baby turns one.
So everything I need is boring stuff nobody wants to buy. Nipple cream, breast pads etc... All things I have planned to buy myself.
Should I register for these things or just not register at all?
Thanks in advance for your advice!
Re: To register or not to register...