Baby Showers

To register or not to register...

For a baby shower that you have turned down numerous times?

Back story- I am pregnant with DS2, due in march. Ds1 will be 4 in September. I am against 2nd showers unless there is a legit reason to need one. In my case, there is not a reason to have another one.

All of ds1 clothes went to my best friend. So I will be getting all of those back plus some things I've bought hand me down and things she got at her shower. I still have his stroller, car seat, swing, crib. Everything...

I've been stocking up on diapers and wipes as I can. Just bought enough baby wash to last until the new baby turns one.

So everything I need is boring stuff nobody wants to buy. Nipple cream, breast pads etc... All things I have planned to buy myself.

Should I register for these things or just not register at all?

Thanks in advance for your advice!

Re: To register or not to register...

  • Don't register. If you're stuck having a second shower, at least let people have fun picking out stuff for you, all of which you will of course be grateful for, because it is honestly nice to have your loved ones thoughtfully select gifts for you, no matter how useul they are! If anyone is honestly stumped beyond belief and hounding you for suggestions, just verbally tell them "nipple cream." You know that will be fun to say!
  • Thanks everyone. I won't register then and just try to enjoy myself. I haaaate being the center of attention :)
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  • Nothing to add about the registry, but fyi, you implied you were using your DS1's car seat--check the expiration date on it. If he's 4, it might be close to expiring.
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  • KatFCo said:

    Nothing to add about the registry, but fyi, you implied you were using your DS1's car seat--check the expiration date on it. If he's 4, it might be close to expiring.

    Yes ma'am I did. Thank you :)
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