2nd Trimester

Boy or girl?

The tech said it's a girl but my mom keeps questioning it. Which is making me question it!! What do you guys think?

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Re: Boy or girl?

  • Thanks my mom is a big worrier!!!
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  • Not sure what there is to be "worried" about. Even if it's a boy, it's not like you can do anything about it!

    FWIW, I agree with the tech. Girl.

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  • Agree that it looks like a girl. You may want to edit your personal info our of the pics. 
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  • I understand the worry, however I see the "hamburger" and clearly no "turtle" in sight. Trust the tech. I'm pretty sure telling you girl was accurate. Congrats!

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  • No expert, but it looks like what I would expect to see from a girl u/s
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    BFP 10/27/13---Heartbeat 11/20/13---Its a BOY, Ethan Ray 2/18/14---Possible heart defect 2/18/14---Confirmed Aortic valve abnormality 3/26/14---Scheduled delivery June30th
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