Cloth Diapering

wipes question

I haven't used disposable wipes since DS was a nb, but all cloth my wipes are drying and DS just had a massive poop, so I had to open a pack. This is a dumb question, but I am genuinely curious. 
What do you do with really poopy wipes? DS has PB poop, so some wipes had huge blobs on them. I rinse my cloth wipes, but it seemed really gross to just throw a huge blob of poop in the garbage can- would you rinse a sposie wipe?

Also, the reason that all my wipes were dirty at the same time is that DS has cold and they have been doing double duty as nose wipes. Is that gross- they are clean, of course, but still.
Married 6/18/11
BFP #1 10/26/12 DS born 6/30/13
BFP #2 10/30/13 MC 11/25/13
BFP #3 1/18/14 DS #2 born 10/7/14
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Re: wipes question

  • I don't rinse my Sposie wipe. I throw them away.

    I use wipes on Owens face too. Nbd.

  • I pretty much only use our diaper pail for sposie wipes and the one ON sposie we use. I do have to clean the pail, though, because it gets poop the part that closes and dumps the stuff into the pail. (Does that make sense?) I often use our cloth wipes for nose wiping. I haven't really been using them for the intended purpose because N keeps freaking out over the spray bottle so I have nothing to wet my wipes with.
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  • We've got PB poo, and I almost actually prefer the ease of a sposie wipe to toss over a cloth.
    Also ditto as boogie wipes, and spit up wipes when it occurs at the changing table.
  • I wouldn't spray a disposable wipe. I would toss it and not even think about it again.

    I actually don't spray any cloth wipes, either, but I wipe most of the mess off with the diaper so there isn't much on the wipe to spray.
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  • Good question! I wondered about poopy wipes too. I was thinking of swishing them or spraying before putting them in the bag but I have no clue...
  • FTM Question--

    Is there a reason you can't just flush a disposable wipe?  And not have to smell it in the trash that way?
    I thought that's what everyone would say but reading PPs, everyone says they throw it in the trash so I was just wondering in case I run into this situation in the future.

  • They aren't good for plumbing. Even the flushable ones aren't really good. I do flush them occasionally, but I avoid it since we have a low flow toilet.
    Chad and Fawn

    Lilypie First Birthday tickers


  • As for the cloth wipes, I get as much poo wiped off with the diaper as I can and that way I only have to dunk the diaper.
    Chad and Fawn

    Lilypie First Birthday tickers


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