November 2011 Moms

Interesting article

Here's an interesting article for those families that have a stay at home parent. 

I'm sure there's bound to be another article for the flip-side (both parents working). It's a good read though.

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Re: Interesting article

  • Loved that! Thank you for sharing!!
         Lilypie - (2Lt7)      Lilypie - (WFOL)

         Jonah Stephen born at 39w on 11/3/2011                Naomi Isabel born at 37w 5d on 5/27/2013
  • The description of her day was spot on. Thanks for sharing!!

     - Ava -  11-29-11

    - Violet -  10-9-13

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  • I saw this in FB and talked with DH about it. He didn't get it but I started asking specific questions and it makes sense on so many levels. We have never lacked in the conversation department but I like that we can ask other questions than "how was your day"
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  • I think a lot of the article speaks to anyone - working/SAH or not.  While some of the questions sound weird, I do love the idea of finding ways to ask more thoughtful questions other than "How was your day?" 

    It's sort of along the lines of if you want to get a conversation going, ask something other than a yes/no question.  "How's your day" always feels like a yes/no question to me.
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