Baby Names

Owen vs. Miller - help!

Now that we've found out we're having a boy in June, it's on to the name game!  We think we've narrowed it down to two names - Miller or Owen.  Miller is my mother in law's maiden name, which we always thought would sort of be a shoe in until I thought of Owen this weekend.  The middle name would me after my late father in either case, so it would be:
Miller William Berlin 
Owen William Berlin
Any honest thoughts?  My sister keeps telling me people will only think of the beer when it comes to Miller.  She's the only one we've heard say this - everyone else has only said they love it, but I wonder if they're just being polite?  I want something I little unique, but not off the wall.  Is Miller too strange - does Miller Berlin sound like a strong name, or just two last names strung together?  

Re: Owen vs. Miller - help!

  • I don't like Miller as a first name. I love Owen though it is a bit popular.
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  • I like Miller since it's your MIL's maiden name, but I think William Miller has a better flow--assuming you don't mind calling a kid by a middle name (I don't). 
  • I like Miller. Especially since it has family significance.

    Owen is nice too but becoming very popular.

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  • scoutkate said:
    I like Miller since it's your MIL's maiden name, but I think William Miller has a better flow--assuming you don't mind calling a kid by a middle name (I don't). 

    I like this idea!


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  • The only time I've heard of Miller as a first name was when Matthew McConaughey gave an interview about how his brother named his son Miller Lyte after his fave beer and suggested he name his son after a beer too. So yes, I think of the beer right away even though I have never drank it. I much prefer Owen. 

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  • I really dislike Owen (but love Rowan!) So I'm actually going to vote Miller
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  • Owen. Miller is a LN and a beer.

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  • I wouldn't try to shove so many family names into one name. With Miller William both are family names. Owen William at least gives your son an identity apart from family members. Since it isn't a case of naming as the second or third (exact) name in a line, I tend to go that route. Save Miller for a possible DS2 middle name.
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  • I like Owen better. Despite family significance, I'm just not digging Miller as a first name. You can always use it as a MN if you have another baby one day.


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  • I definitely prefer Owen. 

    I think it's a great name!

    Miller does remind me of the beer 
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  • Miller is a last name not a first name. Owen is a better choice.
  • I like Miller more than Owen, and Miller William flows nicely. Mill would be a cute nn also.

    I wouldn't worry about the beer thing, do you think everyone who names their daughter Morgan named her after rum?

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  • scoutkate said:
    I like Miller since it's your MIL's maiden name, but I think William Miller has a better flow--assuming you don't mind calling a kid by a middle name (I don't). 

    I like this idea!

    Me too!
  • I vote for Owen! It sounds better with the last name and is a clear first name instead of Miller.

    I love that you actually have a family connection to the surname you are thinking of using. With that said, I definitely see the Miller Light connection. I just can't see Miller as a first name. It sounds more like an athlete who is called by their last name... like I used to know a guy with last name Cooper who was always called Cooper and I didn't even know his first name until much later. 

    Would your DH mind if the entire child's name honors your side of the family? Anyone on his side he would like to honor? I would feel strange using my family names for both first and middle name slots but maybe that is just our situation. 
  • I am FROM Milwaukee, WI and I didn't think of the beer until I read that. I really like Owen, but Miller is different, not in a bad way.
  • DD and several of DH's siblings have family surnames as FNs, so I like the tradition as long as the name is workable as a FN.  Miller is definitely NMS, but it's certainly not out there as a FN and it doesn't make me think of the beer.
    DD born 10/10/07 * DS born 11/25/11 * #3 due 3/9/2015
  • I love Owen and don't like Miller at all.

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  • Owen.

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  • Miller William Berlin has too many L's. Owen is much better choice!
  • DH's cousin used Miller as a FN (it was her mother's maiden name) and I really like the idea, but I don't think it flows well in your case.

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  • Sorry I'm torn-  I really dislike Owen.  I think its the long OWE  sound that always makes it seem whiney to me or something??   I definitely like Miller better (and did not think of beer) but Miller William Berlin  is a  mouthful     I agree with PPs that William Miller has  a bit better flow and I am totally for using a mn as nn
  • I love Miller. I know so many Owens and it's not a name I particularly like, either.

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  • I vote Owen times 100000000000000.  Miller doesn't sound like a name to me, and makes me think of beer.  I like Owen William, though - very nice classic sounding name.
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  • I immediately thought of Miller beer. Also it sounds like a dog's name. I do like Owen.
  • I love Miller and Owen is very overused for my taste. So I say Miller wins ;)
  • Miller to me isn't a first name far too surnamey 
    Yes Owen is used a lot but I like it (and all the various different spellings)

  • Am I the only one that instantly thought of the icky little moth-like creatures called millers? Maybe it's because I have an intense fear of them... So for that reason I really dislike it as a first name. I do like the family sentiment though, and think it would make a good mn. I like William Miller the most!
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