Cloth Diapering

What kind of diaper is this?

Shima42Shima42 member
edited January 2014 in Cloth Diapering
I just want a diaper that consists of a fabric outer, a plastic/waterproof layer inside, and a superabsorbent inner layer, all sewn together with a nice soft cloth cover over the leg elastic and with no 'options' for disconnecting or reconnecting or switching things out - I want it all to be one piece, like a disposable.  I just want to buy a bunch of these in different sizes and be done.  I also don't want a bunch of hard button-like pieces of plastic on the outside of the diaper on the crotch.  Does anybody know of a brand like this?

ETA:  I don't mind the plastic snaps on the waist, but most of the diapers I've seen have snaps on the crotch for some reason.  I don't want my baby's leg rubbing against those!

Re: What kind of diaper is this?

  • edited January 2014
    A sized all in one. But then you would need different sizes, where as the sized kind (snaps on the front) makes it fit, theoretically, through potty training. And if you're taking away even the option of adding more absorbency, you also run the risk of outgrowing the absorbency before the diaper. Curious, why don't you like the idea of a one size diaper with an adjustable rise? You don't unsnap them every time, just when they outgrow it.

    I don't know much about brands of sizes diapers, though, since all of ours outside of NB are OS.

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  • The snaps at the crotch area on one-size diapers are for adjusting the rise. They will not rub against your baby's legs. 

    That said, I would advise you to read very carefully what CLLDLL wrote. It's very typical of many on this board that we think we will like one thing but end up liking something else once we get some real diapering experience. 

    Oh, and I have 2 of the size M Simplex in my stash. Great diapers, but I'm glad they aren't my only ones. I like a diverse stash.
  • Thank you very much, everyone.  I think I have a better idea of what I'm looking for now.  Has anyone noticed a difference in absorbency from natural fibers to artificial ones on the inside?  And how can you ascertain whether or not the diaper shell really has an impermeable layer, or is just a treated weave?  Companies are allowed to call things waterproof even if they won't actually hold water (all they have to do is repel or 'bead' water), so I think it's important to figure it out.

  • I'm going to leave the last couple questions for the pros, but I just wanted to jump in and agree with PPs that there is no "perfect diaper" and that you might be surprised with what you like, and you might change what you like depending on the day or age of your baby.  AIOs are the most like sposies, but there are other types that have their own advantages too.  

    With that said though, a lot of people on here love their SImplex diapers.  If there is a perfect diaper, it would get a lot of votes.
  • Natural fibers absolutely absorb more liquid than the same amount/ bulk of a synthetic fiber.

    I'm not sure of the answer on your waterproof question. I've always had good luck with PUL or TPU, but I've only ever used the well-known brands. I would say if you are considering buying a certain brand maybe post on here and see if anyone on here has tried them and can attest to whether it was waterproof for them!
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  • I'm not an expert on textile waterproofing, but I also don't know why you would want your diapers to be impermeable. The PUL/TPU of modern diapers is breathable (someone posted a link about this not too long ago) and is better for baby's skin than the so-called (not breathable) plastic pants of a few generations ago.

    Suffice it to say, the fabrics used by reputable brands are waterproof enough. You are more likely to get a leak through the leg hole or waist of a poorly-fitting diaper, than for the fabric to fail. It's not as if you can get a watertight seal between the edge of the diaper and your baby.
  • Ragababe Aios sound like they'd fit your criteria. I like my thirsties aio, too, and they sound like they might fit the bill (and they're cheaper, too)
  • Thanks for all the recommendations, everybody!  I really appreciate your time.

  • @stima42 I'm like you and the bulk of my stash is bumgenius elemental OLD STYLE. These are perfect, but be warned that since it is an aio they take 2 cycles on low to dry and these are actually OS incase you change your mind there...
  • Thanks ;-)

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