July 2014 Moms

Baby moving at 14 weeks?

I know you might think its early but I for sure felt the baby move! My belly even had a lump on the left side that was very obviously the baby. My husband even got to feel it! After a few minutes the baby shifted to the middle of my belly and then moved lower and I couldn't feel it anymore. I haven't felt anything since then. Anyone else have a similar experience?

Re: Baby moving at 14 weeks?

  • Yes I felt that at 13-14 weeks. All of a sudden there was a hard bump on my side of my stomach and stayed like that for like a minute or so and it's happened like 2 more times but in different days. Who knows what it was. Not sure if it was the baby though.
  • Thats so funny, I just got a "Week 14" e-mail this morning and it said the baby(s) are officially moving & kicking now but you can't feel them quite yet. Guess you were lucky enough to get to feel it! So exciting! :)

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  • I'm glad I'm not the only one. If it wasn't the baby, what do you think it could be?
  • No hard lumps, but I'm starting to feel little flutters. Could be gas, but some of it felt pretty low. Yesterday I did yoga and I felt it a few times. Maybe I got the baby stirred up with all my movement. 

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  • I know for sure the baby can feel you, like if you poke or press in that area. My doctor pressed on my belly even at 10 weeks to try and get one of my babies to move around during an U/S (so he could measure it) and it reacted even then. So crazy!

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  • I felt the baby kick twice in a row last week at 14 weeks. I haven't felt much since then but it's still early :)


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  • May have felt the baby Friday. Was at ob this morning and he said based on where it was and what I described it may have been baby. He said I'll know for sure in a few more weeks.
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  • I'm 15 weeks 4 days and for the last three days I swear I have felt movement. I could be wrong but it was in different spots each time.
  • @nlerno I don't know but if it's the baby...this is so exciting!!!!! Lmao
  • I've definitely felt movement, and have been since 12ish weeks. I also felt a hard lump. I poked it and it squirmed away ;) Too cute.
  • No I haven't yet. But feeling jealous!!!
    BFP #1 4/6/09; EDD 12/6/09; miscarriage 4/10/09..............BFP #2 5/3/09; DD born 1/9/10........BFP #3 12/15/12, EDD 8/31/13; baby stopped growing at 5w3d; natural miscarriage..........BFP #4 2/8/13, EDD 10/20/13; missed miscarriage discovered 9w2d; d/c.......BFP #5 10/22/13, EDD 7/8/13; miscarriage 10/28/13..... BFP #6 11/19/13; DS born 7/29/14 {\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252 {\fonttbl\f0\fswiss\fcharset0 Helvetica;} {\colortbl;\red255\green255\blue255;\red51\green51\blue51;\red255\green255\blue255;} \deftab720 \pard\pardeftab720\sl280\partightenfactor0 \f0\fs22 \cf2 \cb3 \expnd0\expndtw0\kerning0 \outl0\strokewidth0 \strokec2 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker} {\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252 {\fonttbl\f0\fswiss\fcharset0 Helvetica;} {\colortbl;\red255\green255\blue255;\red51\green51\blue51;\red255\green255\blue255;} \deftab720 \pard\pardeftab720\sl280\partightenfactor0 \f0\fs22 \cf2 \cb3 \expnd0\expndtw0\kerning0 \outl0\strokewidth0 \strokec2 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker}
  • I felt movement last Thursday at work and haven't since, drives me crazy the inconsistency!!!
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  • I was totally expecting to feel something sometime between 15-18 weeks (based on other friends telling me when they first felt movement). 18 weeks now and so far still nothing... But I've got a giant torso/abdomen so the kid could be doing all kinds of somersaults in there and wouldn't necessarily be bumping anything that I could feel.  I'm also not showing yet (not even "fat"), and starting to get annoying "are you sure you're really pregnant?!?" questions.  Ugg!  I'm jealous of those of you who are already feeling movement! ;-)

  • Yeah, I've been trying to figure this out - other than it's a lump of gas, it doesn't make sense.  I guess you could be a super special snowflake, but STM + almost 15w and nothing here (besides uterus spasms and gas and whatnot).
  • I'm a third time mom and swear I am feeling movement at 14 wks 4 days. My uterus is WAYYY above my pubic bone and has been since 8wks, but that's because I'm a third time mom. My uterus has been measuring two to three weeks ahead and was almost to my belly button at last appointment. During the last few days I've felt all kinds of hard lumps and occasional what feels like flips or somersaults during meditative poses in yoga or while lying on my back which is apparently ok in short periods until 20 wks according to my prenatal yoga instructor. I'm still nervous it's not movement I'm actually feeling but I wait for gas or to see if the movement is regular like a pulse or random throb and if neither happens I'm guessing it's baby :D .
  • ^^^^That's what I look like. Bloated. My stomach feels hard from the sides but if I pull all my "roll" up I don't see or feel anything. I had an us at 13 weeks so I know there's a baby in there! But I don't see it myself yet.

    I do feel a lot of gas. I'm hoping in the next 3 or 4 weeks I'll feel something.

    BFP #1 11.10.13 EDD 07.22.14 Stick baby cake!
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  • While the image may be true for most, it's not for all. With my first, I felt him at 16 weeks. My uterus was was higher than the picture suggests it would have been. When I drank cold water he would swim to the top and bump around like a little goldfish. I had an anterior placenta so the only time I felt him that early was at the top. Needless to say, I started drinking a lot of water after that :)
  • i agree...gas and poop with wiggle in there and create lumps that move. STM, I can't feel a thing. It should feel like flutters, they don't have that much mass or strength and they have to make the action create feeling that moves through the fluid, that then touches you hard enough for your nerves to pick up as a movement.


  • I'm 14 weeks and a STM, and I still can't feel my uterus, much less a baby.

    "Your truth is different from my truth, and we're both right."

    TTC since March 2013. BFP 4/13/13, blighted ovum discovered 6/6/13, m/c 6/8/13.

    BFP 11/10/13, EDD 7/25/13 - stick little owlet!

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  • I think it was poop moving through your large intestine. ;)

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  • nlerno said:
    I know you might think its early but I for sure felt the baby move! My belly even had a lump on the left side that was very obviously the baby. My husband even got to feel it! After a few minutes the baby shifted to the middle of my belly and then moved lower and I couldn't feel it anymore. I haven't felt anything since then. Anyone else have a similar experience?
    Yes, and I was sure I was feeling my uterus and babe moving around, but it turned out to be a massive shit. 

    Now, the real question here is, are you going to tell your husband that he felt your shit move?

    Alexander - 8/9/14
  • I've felt that hard lump 2 times on my belly & I'm 16 weeks. But it was too big to be the baby. With my 1st pregnancy that did happen & it was the baby, but bit until around 30 weeks. I'm going to the Dr. on Wed & i want to ask what in the world that is!
  • I've felt that hard lump 2 times on my belly & I'm 16 weeks. But it was too big to be the baby. With my 1st pregnancy that did happen & it was the baby, but bit until around 30 weeks. I'm going to the Dr. on Wed & i want to ask what in the world that is!
    I've felt a couple hard lumps as well, but they are too big to be the baby. I think it's just uterine cramping, flexin etc.

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  • I totally agree that a FTM isn't likely to have felt baby at 14 weeks. I feel it ever so slightly now, and when I get BH it tends to tighten more where baby is at the moment so what I poked was definitely baby. I've totally felt poop and this wasn't it. I'm just putting it out there that at 16 weeks with my first I was higher than I was supposed to be and I felt the baby on the inside, not the outside though. This time, I know my uterus is a couple inches below my belly button and I'm almost 15 weeks. I have no idea how because I'm not really showing, but I also don't think I'm that much higher than I was with my first.
  • I'm a STM and I swear I've been feeling things right where the baby is (I have a Doppler). It's usually just flutters or bubbles and it's only when I'm scrunched up. Sure, it could be gas, but then what does it matter if it's not. If feeling my baby move makes me happy then why shouldn't I believe that is what I'm feeling?
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