I'm looking into getting an IUD after the baby is born because I haven't had good luck with many of the different BC pills in the past (lots of breakthrough bleeding.) Just wondering if anyone has one and which one you have, along with how it's working. We don't want another baby for a few years, so I think this will be a good choice and it's save for breastfeeding.
Re: Anyone have an IUD?
Christian Alexander - 11/13/06
Amelia Rose & Owen Thomas - 3/29/11
I had ParaGard and loved it. I plan to get it again soon...should've already gotten it but haven't yet.
When I got it, I was 5mo pp and hadn't had a pp af yet...it came shortly thereafter and was regular. I had some minor cramping the day of insertion, but nothing that advil couldn't help.
My periods were not heavier than normal nor did I have horrible cramps...both of those are reportedly common with ParaGard.