Any suggestions for when you're starting to doubt you can do it? I had some serious pain/cramping/contractions earlier this week and ever since, I've been a little doubtful of myself. I listen to the Hypnobirthing CD every night and have been for months. I try to remind myself of these affirmations, but it's tough. Any advice/thoughts would be great.
PCOS // Loss 3/2010 // Single Mom // Natural Birth // DC Metro // Baby Girl Born 2/2/2014
Re: Starting to doubt...
Don't stress, that baby is coming out whether you are confident or doubtful but if you can't relax you are going to make labor harder. So relax, let it happen.
Just breath and don't get all worked up -unless, of course, you're just getting pumped about meeting your new baby!
DS2 - Oct 2010 (my VBAC baby!)
Clomid for 6 cycles starting August 2010- O but no BFP
SA Septemeber 2010 Looking good
HSG September 2010 All clear
1st RE visit May 2011 - IUI#1 June 20, 2011: BFN
IUI #2 July 31 2011: BFP - m/c @ 5w1d
Surprise BFP on a break cycle 10/4/11, Due June 4, 2012, Born 6/9/2012
TTC Blog
TTC#2 : Cycles 1-3 Protocol 1500mg Metformin Daily, Femara + Ovidrel, Progresterone support
Focus on 1 contraction at a time. That's really all you can do. And remember that labor is SUPPOSED to hurt. Usually pain is associated with something going wrong but not in this case. In my birthing class we discussed the PAIN acronym in reference to natural labor:
P: Purposeful
A: Anticipated
I: Intermittent
N: Normal
Relaxation techniques are good, if anything they get your mind off of the physical pain and put your focus on making it through the contraction. The thing that helped the most was putting my arms around DH's neck, and swaying side to side and letting out a quiet moan sound. Looked like a weird slow dance. but it is what worked best for me!
You can do it!