May 2014 Moms

Who suffers from Symphysis Pubis Dysfunction or pelvic girdle pain?

softservecitysoftservecity member
edited January 2014 in May 2014 Moms

Who suffers from Symphysis Pubis Dysfunction or pelvic girdle pain? 62 votes

Yes but it doesn't effect my day to day
12% 8 votes
Yes and I have problems doing normal daily activities
25% 16 votes
No I don't have it
25% 16 votes
What is that?
32% 20 votes
Other-will reply below
3% 2 votes

Re: Who suffers from Symphysis Pubis Dysfunction or pelvic girdle pain?

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    Ladies, I'm wondering about this because I've been having these symptoms starting at 18/19 weeks. I've called the doc in tears and broke down into tears today while grocery shopping. I'm currently seeing a chiropractor and it helped for the first week then flared up again. I have a prenatal cradle on order but I'm worried how this will effect my job. Already by 1pm I'm in a lot of pain and have to push through it :-(
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    I voted yes but that it doesn't effect me but that's not entiry true. It's only a problem at night. I wake up just about in tears. Pillow between my knees makes it worse!
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    I had a mild case with DS. By mild I mean I was only on the verge of tears after walking the dog 1/4 mile. I wouldve fallen in your second category with his pg. It wasn't constant pain, but daily stuff like a lot of walking, getting out of the car, squatting to pick something up, and getting out of bed freaking hurt. Keeping my knees together as much as possible helped a lot.

    Thankfully no issues so far with this pg (knocking on all of the wood)

    BFP#2 2.5.11 (EDD 10.15.11) DS born 9.28.11

    BFP#4 8.27.13 (EDD 5.6.14) DD born 4.23.14


    Lilypie - (2llN)

    Lilypie - (2L9u)


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    3 days ago I had pelvic girdle pain start at work. Even though it was an office day for me, I was near tears just trying to stand up and walk to the bathroom. By the end of the night, I required DH's assistance to get up from bed to go to the bathroom during the night. I took a sick day from work the next day as the pain was unbearable. After spending the day in an awkward position to alleviate the pain and with a heating pad, I was finally able to go to work yesterday. I wasnt functioning at 100% and am really hoping I dont have another flare up. Pretty sure my OB is going to pull me from work earlier than I was expecting. Between the pelvic girdle pain affecting my right side and my left leg in a constant state of numbness (been numb for most of the past 2 months), I wont be too much use at work.

    Its miserable. I hope the pain subsides for you soon.
    3/29/12 - Married my soulmate
    BFP #1 - 3/23/13 // EDD - 11/27/13 // M/MC - 5/3/13 // D&C - 5/4/13
    BFP #2 - 8/26/13 // EDD - 5/10/14 // Born 5/18/14


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    Soupy84 said:
    3 days ago I had pelvic girdle pain start at work. Even though it was an office day for me, I was near tears just trying to stand up and walk to the bathroom. By the end of the night, I required DH's assistance to get up from bed to go to the bathroom during the night. I took a sick day from work the next day as the pain was unbearable. After spending the day in an awkward position to alleviate the pain and with a heating pad, I was finally able to go to work yesterday. I wasnt functioning at 100% and am really hoping I dont have another flare up. Pretty sure my OB is going to pull me from work earlier than I was expecting. Between the pelvic girdle pain affecting my right side and my left leg in a constant state of numbness (been numb for most of the past 2 months), I wont be too much use at work.

    Its miserable. I hope the pain subsides for you soon.

    My doc has mentioned signing me out if work. I also took a day off Thursday due to pain so I feel ya there! I just don't want to use all my days before I ever deliver as my paycheck is the larger so we really need my check to get by. @carissa32581, me too with the pillow and that's one of the big suggestions.
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    For those that answer "What is that?"
    The symptoms (and their severity) experienced by women with PGP vary, but include:
    Present swelling and/or inflammation over joint.
    Difficulty lifting leg.
    Pain pulling legs apart.
    Inability to stand on one leg.
    Inability to transfer weight through pelvis and legs.
    Pain in hips and/or restriction of hip movement.
    Transferred nerve pain down leg.
    Can be associated with bladder and/or bowel dysfunction.
    A feeling of the symphysis pubis giving way.
    Stooped back when standing.
    Malalignment of pelvic and/or back joints.
    Struggle to sit or stand.
    Pain may also radiate down the inner thighs.
    Waddling or shuffling gait.
    Audible ‘clicking’ sound coming from the pelvis.

    The only one I don't have is the clicking sound.
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    Mine is pretty bad. I have a hard time standing up and lifting. Didn't have it with my first pregnancy and not until later with my second. :(

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    I am absolutely suffering from this. It. Is. Awful. My previous pregnancies were not a cake walk but this has been horrible. My left leg is constantly numb and as painful as walking and moving around is, laying in bed isn't comfortable either! I was in tears today talking to DH about this, just feeling really useless, it is so hard to take care of my boys (2 & 3 yrs) and forget my normal daily cleaning. Thankfully he is very understanding and helps as much as he possibly can, unfortunately he works 65-70 hours a week! Ok, pity party over!!
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    I've had this since about 12w. It's horrible and I can't believe it started so early. I've been going to physical therapy and they've been able to help a little, but it's still pretty bad. Walking and getting up from a sitting/laying position seem to really aggravate it. And yes the pillow between my legs makes it so much worse. I don't know why that's even a suggestion! I'm just hoping to be able to push through the pain for at least another few weeks. My goal at work was to make it to my birthday 2/23 so we'll see how that goes.
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    Do any of you ladies that say yes feel that coworkers/friends just don't get it? My DH sees me in pain and sees me crying and not being able to walk so he is sympathetic but I feel like others see it as an excuse to not work hard or that its a sympathy thing. My boss even looked doubtful and wanted to know if I'd been given written work restriction orders when I told him my doc said to limit my walking activities. You better believe I'll be getting my doc to write something up for me next week!
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    I feel that the past month & a half I have been getting this kind of attitude from my other managers. Most of my staff seem to be pretty understanding seeing how a good portion of them are closer to my parents age. But of my co-managers, only one has a child. I pushed so hard through the holiday season that I thought I had proved myself. However, taking the day off for PGP hurt my relationship. I am still visibly limping and pushing myself to do more than the other managers.

    As for DH, he sees me in pain and will inquire sypathetically how I am feeling, but doesnt offer to do anything to try to help or alleviate the discomfort.

    I dont see my doctor for another 3 weeks, but if I have another episode I will be contacting his office. I read somewhere that depending on the severity of PGP, your doctor will pull you from work 7-12 weeks prior to your EDD. I certainly didnt picture that (or the pain I am experiencing!) as part of my pregnancy.
    3/29/12 - Married my soulmate
    BFP #1 - 3/23/13 // EDD - 11/27/13 // M/MC - 5/3/13 // D&C - 5/4/13
    BFP #2 - 8/26/13 // EDD - 5/10/14 // Born 5/18/14


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    For those that answer "What is that?"
    The symptoms (and their severity) experienced by women with PGP vary, but include:
    Present swelling and/or inflammation over joint.
    Difficulty lifting leg.
    Pain pulling legs apart.
    Inability to stand on one leg.
    Inability to transfer weight through pelvis and legs.
    Pain in hips and/or restriction of hip movement.
    Transferred nerve pain down leg.
    Can be associated with bladder and/or bowel dysfunction.
    A feeling of the symphysis pubis giving way.
    Stooped back when standing.
    Malalignment of pelvic and/or back joints.
    Struggle to sit or stand.
    Pain may also radiate down the inner thighs.
    Waddling or shuffling gait.
    Audible ‘clicking’ sound coming from the pelvis.

    The only one I don't have is the clicking sound.
    I have all of the above minus the clicking sound and bladder/bowel dysfunction.
    3/29/12 - Married my soulmate
    BFP #1 - 3/23/13 // EDD - 11/27/13 // M/MC - 5/3/13 // D&C - 5/4/13
    BFP #2 - 8/26/13 // EDD - 5/10/14 // Born 5/18/14


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    I had it with my first, but it didn't show up until 29-30 weeks. I can feel it coming on now, but it's not nearly as painful, but I have a maternity belt ready!
                                         my blog - cheese & cheesecake

    Me: 31, DH: 34, Married 5/29/05
    BFP #1: 6/22/10, EDD 3/6/11, DS born 2/25/11 @ 38w5d
    BFP #2: 7/27/13, EDD 4/9/14, CP 8/3/13
    BFP #3: 8/31/13, EDD 5/10/13, DD born med-free 5/9/14 @ 39w6d 
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    It affects my daily life. I work in an OR and have had to pull aside all the OB's at time because I am in tears at work (simply from sitting). I used to do boot camp and belly dance which Ive had to give up the last 3 weeks because of this. Ive managed some swim classes on my good days. I used to walk to work but have since paid for parking passes because I cant walk more then a few feet at a time. I totally feel your frustration with this. Most people are nice about it but I still feel like they dont totally understand. Im scared I come off as a drama queen or something. Hang in there, thats all we can do lol.
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    I have horrific nerve pain down the front of my thigh that started at 12weeks. I am now 23 weeks and I don't know how I've made it this far. I've been doing physical therapy which seemed to help briefly but it's gotten worse again. Maternity belt does nothing either.  

    I am a nurse and constantly on my feet, fortunately most of my coworkers are helpful, but there are days I don't know how I'll get through a 12hr shift. I saw a physiatrist who really offered no help at all but to have me work 8hr shifts, I declined on that because I think it would be worse to work 5 days/wk vs 3.  

    I find that ice packs help temporarily at least.  

    Good luck everyone. I just pray this goes away once the wee one arrives. 

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    What the what?
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    @lisamprice73‌ I think you are looking for the May 15 board. We all had our babies last May. This is from last January. Good luck!
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    Oh @bridetobe9132013‌ I truly think you have the patience of a saint. You are way too nice! ;)
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    Haha thanks @bazingaa :) I figured she probably has pregnancy brain!
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