
Quick question about rash

So my sister just sent me a picture and DS has a rash above his penis and on his stomach. He did not have it this morning. Could it be a diaper rash that spread? I take him today for his 6 month check but I am a little freaked out right now.

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Re: Quick question about rash

  • My kids are famous for getting mystery rashes, but they are almost always nothing serious.  The pedi always says if they are not in pain and don't have a fever it is likely just a contact rash from something that irritated their skin.  Certain viruses can also cause random rashes in kids.  Did he have any new foods today?  They will want to rule out a reaction to foods or medicines.
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  • New food. Also his diaper was really full this morning. I also need to know if I can put cream directly on his penis. Sometimes it looks red but I don't want it to get infected.

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