Stay at Home Moms

Good article about opting out of standardized testing

I know @honkeytonk and @andrewsgirl were on a thread a few months back about standardized testing in the primary grades, here's a good overview of why parents are opting out:
Money quote: "One teacher remarked that, if a tester needs three days to tell if a child can read “you are either incompetent or cruel. I feel angry and compromised for going along with this.”

And this is a great (albeit long) article about how the Common Core State Standards came to be, and why they are shady as fuck.

DS1 - Feb 2008

DS2 - Oct 2010 (my VBAC baby!)

Re: Good article about opting out of standardized testing

  • Thank you! Can't wait to read them.
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  • On a related note, this made me want to cry yesterday. Or barf. Or both
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  • On a related note, this made me want to cry yesterday. Or barf. Or both
    That is awful. I won't say anything else because this topic gets me too riled up. But that picture you posted is worth a thousand words of what is wrong right now.
  • Def barf and yell for me, @honkytonk_kid!!

    @cjcouple, opting out shouldn't affect state funding, tho it might if you are in a "failing" district (tho, thanks to NCLB, all districts in the US are "failing" this year). The biggest idea behind opting out is that if enough parents at a school refuse to let their kids be a part of the system, admin and companies won't have data i. e. will not have power over the schools themselves.
    DS1 - Feb 2008

    DS2 - Oct 2010 (my VBAC baby!)

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