April 2014 Moms




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    Maybe is just third tri hormones taking over, but it seems like RTT has been much more about snarky attacks on other people/posts very recently. I'm aware that for the most part it IS truly random thoughts. I don't think anyone has to be NICE (what's the fun in that?). I just think the vibe it creates when I see a running commentary making fun of everything and anyone else makes this whole board feel a little lamer.

    Like I said, it may be an UO.

    And @colleenswerb - I would agree. You are an up-front, no-holds-barred type of commenter. I appreciate that about you. Keep it up, lady.

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    I've completely checked out at work.  I'm 3 weeks away from going on maternity leave and my brain is already at home

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    It's probably more impressive than it sounds ;) it's more for things like sour cream or heavy cream or feta that I only use half a small carton for one or two particular recipes and then it will grow mold if I don't remember to make something else with it in a few weeks! Things like milk and eggs are regular purchases and don't really need to be written down!

    Oh hey, I do that!! See exhibit A:
    It's like you speak my secret love language!
    DD 2/21/2012 & DS 4/1/2014
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    Rogue237 said:
    Holljade said:
    I bought my own hospital gown.

    It is the dumbest purchase- but I remember when DD I didn't do it bc I was all " that's a dumb idea to spend money on a hospital gown, even though I kind of really want to do it" and then afterwards i remember wish I had bought one (no good reason behind it)

    So I went ahead and did it it for this time.

    Haters gon hate.
    I'm buying my own too. I know I probably won't need it and I'll probably end up naked as a jay bird, but if I'm not, the hospital gowns don't seem conducive to popping a baby from vag to chest and letting that sucker BF as soon as possible. The designs of some of the labor gowns seem nice and easy. 

    ETA - the ones i'm looking at are pretty cheap, so i don't really feel like it'll matter if it's wasted.
    I think I might end up wearing mine around the house as well in the first couple of weeks. It's easy to wear for nursing/pumping/peeing/whatever... we'll see. Glad I'm not the only one!
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    Rogue237 said:
    Holljade said:
    I bought my own hospital gown.

    It is the dumbest purchase- but I remember when DD I didn't do it bc I was all " that's a dumb idea to spend money on a hospital gown, even though I kind of really want to do it" and then afterwards i remember wish I had bought one (no good reason behind it)

    So I went ahead and did it it for this time.

    Haters gon hate.
    I'm buying my own too. I know I probably won't need it and I'll probably end up naked as a jay bird, but if I'm not, the hospital gowns don't seem conducive to popping a baby from vag to chest and letting that sucker BF as soon as possible. The designs of some of the labor gowns seem nice and easy. 

    ETA - the ones i'm looking at are pretty cheap, so i don't really feel like it'll matter if it's wasted.
    I think I might end up wearing mine around the house as well in the first couple of weeks. It's easy to wear for nursing/pumping/peeing/whatever... we'll see. Glad I'm not the only one!
    Honest question...are you planning on wearing it DURING delivery? Or just after the baby is born in the hospital? The reason I've always thought they were a waste of money is because they get SO DIRTY during delivery...not really something I'd ever want to spend time scrubbing blood stains out of to keep. But if it's something you're wearing after the delivery, I get that!
    The one i'm looking at is a disposable one that you throw out after delivery because it gets gross during l&d. But, again, I may just end up freeballin' and not even use it ;)
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    I am what I am.
    I definitely bitch in RTT instead of threads sometimes, because I know it will become an argument and I just don't care that much. But I still need to vent.

    There's also WAY more support going on in there than a lot of people realize. I totally understand that a 13k thread is intimidating, but no one in there expects anyone to read all the posts before they comment.

    But whatever. To each their own. :)

    Huh. See, I never read or posted on the RTT (I didn't even realize what that stood for at first) b/c I didn't post on other ones and the longer one didn't appeal to me. And while I have no doubt that a lot of support and other random chatter takes places, it's even less appealing to know that is where people go to vent about other posters/posts. 

    Oh, please. It's the internet. Read if you want, comment if you want, or don't.
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    RTT is about the easiest clique to join I've ever seen in my life.

    "Do you now have, or have you ever indulged in, a craving for cake?"

    "Well, actually I don't really like cake, but you can have my share.."

    "You're in!"

    My last thought on this:

    When people are posting stuff about how RTT should have it's own HDBD because they don't care about anyone else's bumps and/or taking about having a signal or something for RTT regular's birth announcements because of the same reason, it feels very clique-y.

    And honestly, I don't really give a shit. I haven't felt personally attacked or excluded and I have even posted in that thread a handful of times. I just realized over the last few days that I think its high school-esque cattiness and OMGZ I ATE SUBWAYYYYY-ness is lame. Not like I didn't know I was going to ruffle some feathers by posting that. :)

    Have a lovely Friday, A14. I may not be a RTT fan, a Chipotle fan, or like cake, but I like you. Xo
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    Rogue237 said:

    Holljade said:

    Rogue237 said:

    Holljade said:

    I bought my own hospital gown.

    It is the dumbest purchase- but I remember when DD I didn't do it bc I was all " that's a dumb idea to spend money on a hospital gown, even though I kind of really want to do it" and then afterwards i remember wish I had bought one (no good reason behind it)

    So I went ahead and did it it for this time.

    Haters gon hate.

    I'm buying my own too. I know I probably won't need it and I'll probably end up naked as a jay bird, but if I'm not, the hospital gowns don't seem conducive to popping a baby from vag to chest and letting that sucker BF as soon as possible. The designs of some of the labor gowns seem nice and easy. 

    ETA - the ones i'm looking at are pretty cheap, so i don't really feel like it'll matter if it's wasted.

    I think I might end up wearing mine around the house as well in the first couple of weeks. It's easy to wear for nursing/pumping/peeing/whatever... we'll see. Glad I'm not the only one!
    Honest question...are you planning on wearing it DURING delivery? Or just after the baby is born in the hospital? The reason I've always thought they were a waste of money is because they get SO DIRTY during delivery...not really something I'd ever want to spend time scrubbing blood stains out of to keep. But if it's something you're wearing after the delivery, I get that!

    The one i'm looking at is a disposable one that you throw out after delivery because it gets gross during l&d. But, again, I may just end up freeballin' and not even use it ;)

    Those are the ones I've always seen, too! I would not think one worn during labor is ever something you'd want to rewear!
    DD 2/21/2012 & DS 4/1/2014
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    Rogue237 said:
    Holljade said:
    I bought my own hospital gown.

    It is the dumbest purchase- but I remember when DD I didn't do it bc I was all " that's a dumb idea to spend money on a hospital gown, even though I kind of really want to do it" and then afterwards i remember wish I had bought one (no good reason behind it)

    So I went ahead and did it it for this time.

    Haters gon hate.
    I'm buying my own too. I know I probably won't need it and I'll probably end up naked as a jay bird, but if I'm not, the hospital gowns don't seem conducive to popping a baby from vag to chest and letting that sucker BF as soon as possible. The designs of some of the labor gowns seem nice and easy. 

    ETA - the ones i'm looking at are pretty cheap, so i don't really feel like it'll matter if it's wasted.
    I think I might end up wearing mine around the house as well in the first couple of weeks. It's easy to wear for nursing/pumping/peeing/whatever... we'll see. Glad I'm not the only one!
    Honest question...are you planning on wearing it DURING delivery? Or just after the baby is born in the hospital? The reason I've always thought they were a waste of money is because they get SO DIRTY during delivery...not really something I'd ever want to spend time scrubbing blood stains out of to keep. But if it's something you're wearing after the delivery, I get that!
    I am thinking after delivery, so I can have it on when people come to visit. I gave everyone a nice peep show with the regular hospital gowns (this one has snaps) and felt embarrassed my boobs were out for all to see and I didn't realize it. I also know how gross I felt last time. I want something to make me feel "pretty"- I think it added stress and negative emotions after I had the baby to feel so yucky.
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    my church provides meals for new moms (every other day for the first 4 weeks you're home = AWESOME!) but i'm trying to prepare myself in advance that people will NOT be bringing me the local, organic meals i'm used to cooking myself.  i stressed about it when my son was born too, and then it turned out people really sent awesome dinners over and i was so tired and thankful that i really didn't care that it was all conventional, store-brand food.

    but now our church is much bigger than it was 4 years ago, and people don't know me and my irrationally picky tastes as much, so i'm just going to have to suck it up and deal with the fact that the food won't be made with the brands i normally use.

    sigh.  i'm a brat.  you don't even have to say it, i already know :)
    I have similar anxiety about people bringing me food. Not only am I ridiculously picky about quality (not so much the actual dish, but, like you, the ingredients it's made with), but I also have a huge issue wasting food (I meal plan to a slightly obsessive end to avoid it), so I know if someone brings something we don't care for (DH is way pickier than I am), I'll feel terrible tossing it. Honestly, I'd almost rather people not bring us food. But I know our friends are setting up a meal train website for us. Ugggggggg. Food Brats Unite!
    I'm also a total food brat...and a complete germ-phobe. I hate the idea of people bringing me food because I have no idea how they prepared it and I can't stop imagining them licking a spoon and sticking it back into the food. How terrible am I? 

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    I've decided to go with a pair of men's style button up pj's for post-birth, with a nursing tank. Comfortable, cute, easy to BF in.
    I've heard from some that pants are not easy post delivery vs a gown - is that not the case? Or does it depend on how you end up giving birth?
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    J&NL said:
    I was wondering how long it would take for the RTT to be called a "clique". We have never regulated who can and can't post on that thread. We just post and really don't even bat an eye when a "non- RTT reg" posts in there either. 

    Either way, when you get a group of people conversing regularly then yes, they will grow closer to each other. It's not a clique, it's just the nature of the beast. If anyone feels insecure about the thread then my advice is just to join in. We don't bite.. promise. 
    This. I was actually surprised at how nice everybody in the RTT is. I have seen several "non-regular RTT" posters become regular RTTers just because they decided to start contributing regularly to RTT. I have never seen a "you don't go here" post in there.
    photo ee249d6c-880a-4eb4-bc43-d6ab1f9fe662.jpg
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    Rogue237 said:

    I've decided to go with a pair of men's style button up pj's for post-birth, with a nursing tank. Comfortable, cute, easy to BF in.

    I've heard from some that pants are not easy post delivery vs a gown - is that not the case? Or does it depend on how you end up giving birth?

    I was going to ask this too! Aren't they still doing a lot of vaginal exams? Stitches, swelling, etc.? in which you'll need to be ready for quick access?

    I've apparently blocked most of my post-labor stay from my memory, but I think they mostly just pushed on my uterus a lot, and didn't do vaginal exams afterwards.
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    Rogue237 said:
    I've decided to go with a pair of men's style button up pj's for post-birth, with a nursing tank. Comfortable, cute, easy to BF in.
    I've heard from some that pants are not easy post delivery vs a gown - is that not the case? Or does it depend on how you end up giving birth?
    I was going to ask this too! Aren't they still doing a lot of vaginal exams? Stitches, swelling, etc.? in which you'll need to be ready for quick access?
    I've apparently blocked most of my post-labor stay from my memory, but I think they mostly just pushed on my uterus a lot, and didn't do vaginal exams afterwards.
    Normally they check your fundus and massage it so that it goes down properly. They also check your pad to see how much you are bleeding and your epidural site for signs of infection, if you got one.
    photo ee249d6c-880a-4eb4-bc43-d6ab1f9fe662.jpg
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    Ew. I don't want them checking my pad. They can watch a baby burst from my loins, but they don't get to check my pad. I'm drawing the line.
    Lol you just pull your pants down for half a second while they check to make sure you aren't soaking pads too quickly. It's for your own good. :)
    photo ee249d6c-880a-4eb4-bc43-d6ab1f9fe662.jpg
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    Re: Pants vs. gown after birth.

    My experience was I was checked for hemorrhoids and such a bunch of times throughout my stay so I needed the easy access in the back.
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    Ew. I don't want them checking my pad. They can watch a baby burst from my loins, but they don't get to check my pad. I'm drawing the line.
    They peek down there to make sure you aren't bleeding to heavily...its just a quick peek nothing that bad considering everything you just showed off anyways. 
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    poru said:
    I've decided to go with a pair of men's style button up pj's for post-birth, with a nursing tank. Comfortable, cute, easy to BF in.
    What a genius idea!   :D  I just picked up my G&O navy blue PJs at target this weekend.
    That's the exact pair I'm talking about! So cozy.
    I lived in them last time.  I threw those away and got a fresh pair for this time, one size up from the ones I normally wear to bed in the winter.
    I need a link to these magical PJs... are you talking about these? https://www.target.com/p/gilligan-o-malley-reg-women-s-knit-pajama-set-assorted-colors/-/A-14887838#prodSlot=medium_1_54&term=gilligan
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    So.. I took the mirror into the bath to shave my southern region.. When I was done and you could finally see my vagina again I count help but just sit there spread eagle in the mirror staring and visualinzing a human shooting of of there, when I looked up in the mirror and saw my facial expression a cry laugh came out cause it was the most disturbing faces ever lol

    Seriously though what the mother fuck, we are supposed to have 8pound babies come through there????

    You are flipping brilliant. How did I not think of this?!

    And you're so right. It's the most natural thing in the world but it seems so obscure!
    image    image    image    image

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    TallaB said:

    @KatieGummow you should have started the thread. It would have been a lot less clique-y!

    You're right... I totally could still do it, so people feel more comfortable. But this was the one topic that people could care less about.
    image    image    image    image

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    @KatieGummow you should have started the thread. It would have been a lot less clique-y!
    You're right... I totally could still do it, so people feel more comfortable. But this was the one topic that people could care less about.
    That's not true @KatieGummow, I find it extremely impressive! I can barely finish any meals now with ONE baby taking up all this space. And then I'm hungry again 20 mins later.
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    thomas930 said:

    Ew. I don't want them checking my pad. They can watch a baby burst from my loins, but they don't get to check my pad. I'm drawing the line.

    They peek down there to make sure you aren't bleeding to heavily...its just a quick peek nothing that bad considering everything you just showed off anyways. 

    Am I the only one who never got checked for this after delivery?
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    Ew. I don't want them checking my pad. They can watch a baby burst from my loins, but they don't get to check my pad. I'm drawing the line.
    They peek down there to make sure you aren't bleeding to heavily...its just a quick peek nothing that bad considering everything you just showed off anyways. 
    Am I the only one who never got checked for this after delivery?
    I got checked after I dropped my underwear in the bathroom and an almost baseball-sized blood clot fell out. I was pretty disturbed that something that big could just fall out without me noticing, but DH reminded me that a baby had just passed through.
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    Rogue237 said:

    Rogue237 said:
    Holljade said:
    I bought my own hospital gown.

    It is the dumbest purchase- but I remember when DD I didn't do it bc I was all " that's a dumb idea to spend money on a hospital gown, even though I kind of really want to do it" and then afterwards i remember wish I had bought one (no good reason behind it)

    So I went ahead and did it it for this time.

    Haters gon hate.
    I'm buying my own too. I know I probably won't need it and I'll probably end up naked as a jay bird, but if I'm not, the hospital gowns don't seem conducive to popping a baby from vag to chest and letting that sucker BF as soon as possible. The designs of some of the labor gowns seem nice and easy. 

    ETA - the ones i'm looking at are pretty cheap, so i don't really feel like it'll matter if it's wasted.
    I think I might end up wearing mine around the house as well in the first couple of weeks. It's easy to wear for nursing/pumping/peeing/whatever... we'll see. Glad I'm not the only one!
    Honest question...are you planning on wearing it DURING delivery? Or just after the baby is born in the hospital? The reason I've always thought they were a waste of money is because they get SO DIRTY during delivery...not really something I'd ever want to spend time scrubbing blood stains out of to keep. But if it's something you're wearing after the delivery, I get that!
    The one i'm looking at is a disposable one that you throw out after delivery because it gets gross during l&d. But, again, I may just end up freeballin' and not even use it ;)
    I totally went stark naked when in labor w/DS...everything, and I mean EVERYTHING, including just being under blankets even though I was chilly, felt SO constricting at the time. I just didnt want anyone (except DH) or anything touching me. I was more comfortable just lying there on my side, naked as the day I was born, moaning through my contractions until it was time to push...other peoples' eyes be damned.
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