Cloth Diapering


The April 13 UO board turned into a cloth diaper debate yesterday!
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Re: Drama

  • link?  I'm curious as to the drama..
    I'm guessing washing poo...
    More expensive....
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  • I hate the water response! First of all, water can be treated and reused. YOu are losing very little water in the washing process. If you want to save water, stop hoarding bottles of water, installing swimming pools, etc.

    And it drives me nuts when people cut off clothes and throw away after a poopslposion..
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  • I feel bad for the cloth OP!  But that is kind of the general opinion about CDs for someone who has never seen/used them.  My friends and family who looked at me like I was crazy when I said I would CD stare me down out of curiosity when I change a diaper and usually comment "Those diapers are bulky and make his butt look big." Apparently that is the only negative thing they can find about them.  Those ladies on that board need a good CD education ;)
  • ovenrack said:

    It starts at the bottom of page two.  I'm super pregnant, bored, and just started reading it myself... 
    Thanks for making the link- I'm on the app and on my way to school!
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  • bookitup said:
    NVandGZ said:
    Maybe we need to make a poll asking who scrubs their CDs.....
    OMG, I do. I have these huge rubber gloves and a wire bristle brush I have to use. It takes me probably four hours to scrub each diaper.


    Maybe they read that article where the woman claimed that CDers do 12 loads of laundry a day. 
    LLOL!  I forgot about that one.  Ha!
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  • Holy Moses. These folks do a whole lot of assuming don't they?  8-|



  • Kind of OT, but I was watching Quints by Surprise today, and they said the family spent $10,000 on diapers annually. OUCH! Does this mean that the average family spends $2,000 a year on disposable diapers per baby? I don't remember it being that high.


  • Yikes!  Why is everyone so sensitive?  Wasn't the title of that discussion "unpopular opinions"?!?!  I just wish that lady would stop apologizing to everyone.  She shouldn't feel guilty on having an opinion.
  • sumati said:
    I accidentally started CD drama on my friend's fb post last night.  She is prego and posted about looking at different diaper brands (meaning 'sposies) to see which one she thinks she'll like best... I commented about her also checking out cloth and that I could help her if she wants.. Oh man, you'd think I asked her to set herself on fire.. the comments after that were just insane.. :-/
    haha. i innocently did this too! same exact scenario.  People are so brave over the internet
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  • littleredfishlittleredfish member
    edited January 2014
    Mandmeesh said:
    ugh.  I got bored after the first or second post.  I don't have the patience for idiots

    My thoughts exactly. I had no time to listen to my friends and family poke at my choices, I don't care for random people on the internet who've never tried something and think they're the next expert. 
    (Edit because my phone is messed up)
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    Edit: holy took my phone that long to figure out the gif. yowza.
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  • Kind of OT, but I was watching Quints by Surprise today, and they said the family spent $10,000 on diapers annually. OUCH! Does this mean that the average family spends $2,000 a year on disposable diapers per baby? I don't remember it being that high.

    I saw that too.  I thought the average was $2,000 per kid the whole time in diapers.  I'm totally telling DH that number now when I order another TT.  We are still WAY under that number.

    I figured out we spent around $1500 per year to sposie diaper DS1 back in 2005 using Pampers in a realatively LCOL area. So I would believe it'd be closer to $2000 now and in a higher cost of living area.
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  • We need to share this chart
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  • Yeah I know it was a uo thread but the way she worded the original post was basically asking people to take issue with her.
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  • This is why I've kept my mouth shut for the most part on our deciding to CD our soon to be LO. A friend asked if my DH was going to have a poker diaper party. I said no we wouldn't need one as we're cloth diapering and I immediately got the "eww... Why? Oh I guess your going crispy now..." response. I told her that her response was the exact reason why we're not telling people because people react so negatively to it until they see it in action.
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