Hi ladies!
I said hello a long time ago around here and then totally forgot that I had joined this particular board. I was notified it was my anniversary on the bump and then saw that hey I had posted on this board previously. to Rehash at the time I joined back in July 2011(wow) I was a SAHM to 5 sons, Our 6th son Callum was born December 22nd at 9lbs 3oz and 22". We were over the moon thrilled and he is lovely tho at times a real cheeky 2 year old now. The baby bug bit us again and we welcomed our 1st daughter in July 2013, so while I am pretty busy most days I enjoy reading and replying when I can. Hope everyone is doing well
I hope to be a little more active than I have been on the bump boards.
Still immune to tickers.
Polite Canadian 99% of the time.
SAHM of 7 soon to be 8. I read more than I post.
Re: Long time!