February 2014 Moms

~*~*Thursday Ticker Change~*~*

Happy Thursday!


What's new? (Appointments/Milestones):


QOTW: (I need a break from babies) Share a pic or memory of your favorite fads from jr. high/ high school.

Ladies with outside babies: updates?  pictures?

F'14 October Siggy Challenge: Animals in Costumes


Re: ~*~*Thursday Ticker Change~*~*

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    Week/Fruit/Veggie:   37, some kind of melon

    What's new? (Appointments/Milestones):  Good appointment on Tuesday. If the weather is what they are predicting, today was my last day of work. If they're wrong tomorrow will be :) 

    Symptoms/Cravings?  My back is killing me, other than that still feeling pretty good.

    QOTW: (I need a break from babies) Share a pic or memory of your favorite fads from jr. high/ high school.
    (I've never given up on wearing a flannel shirt and converse, so I can't count that as a fad.)  Recently, these popped into my head.  If its possible to have a crush on a pair of shoes, I might have been in love with these freshman year:

    F'14 October Siggy Challenge: Animals in Costumes

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    38 Weeks! She's a pumpkin!

    What's new? (Appointments/Milestones): Since the start of the new year I've been going to the high risk MFM place because of issues with my heart and variations in the baby's heartbeat. Monday I got the ok not to go back and I'm happy! Her BPPs have been great so they felt like I was freeeeeeeeeee!!!! I also feel like I'm about to go in to labor... I just see some signs so we'll see soon enough.

    Symptoms/Cravings? Just your normal 38 week pains! My ankles and feel got huge from swelling. Thank goodness they've gone down but it was frightening for a while.

    QOTW: (I need a break from babies) Share a pic or memory of your favorite fads from jr. high/ high school.
    Let's here it for my first cell phone... "The brick" also known as my Nokia! That thing stood the test of time. I think I got it in 11th grade, kept it all through 12th grade and got a new one when I went to college.
    I'm a sinner saved by grace and a child of the Attitude Era (Oh you didn't know?!?)
    #OurBoyD-Bryan #TeamCrossRhodes #KnowYourRoll #ShutYourMouth 
    DD#1: 9/3/2004 Noelle Catherine
    DD#2: 1/26/2014 Faith Preston
    DC(dear cat?? lol): 6/5/2009 Shane Fitzgerald Kennedy
    I married my best friend <3 DH is my knight in shining armor! 

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    Coconut 35 weeks

    What's new? (Appointments/Milestones):
    Been going to birthing classes for the last 3 weeks. 2 more weeks and that's done. Had an appointment with a peditrician which went really well. Had a breast feeding class. Been super busy. At last appointment fundal height was measuring 5 weeks ahead again. They said if I keep measuring ahead I will have to have another ultra sound again to keep an eye on fluids. Last time fluids were fine but she was already at 5 lbs 8 oz two weeks ago yikes. Starting next week I have appointments every week.

    Loving milkshakes right now even though the temperatures here have been freezing! Lots of lower back and hip aches lately along with Braxton hicks contractions equals loads of fun!!

    QOTW: (I need a break from babies) Share a pic or memory of your favorite fads from jr. high/ high school.
    Beepers were huge when I was in jr. High and the beginning of high school. Everyone had one even though there was really no point. Calling and leaving numerical messages that made words like 07734 which was hello when you turned your pager upside down lol. Doesn't work with keyboard numbers but it did with the phone. Man that brings back stupid funny memories with friends.
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