February 2014 Moms

Random question for STM who had PGAL..UPDATE!! WRONG BOARD

luvU2theMoonluvU2theMoon member
edited January 2014 in February 2014 Moms

I was talking to a Co-Worker about wanting to do natural birth. She told me i would be able to do it because i had a D&C with no meds and was fine...She said contractions and labor feel just like a D&C. Anyone a STM who had a D&C with out any meds? Can you compare the two?




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Re: Random question for STM who had PGAL..UPDATE!! WRONG BOARD

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    Well, now I'm curious. Where did you have a D&C without meds? Because holy shit, that sounds painful.
    I had meds, and it was so painful even through the meds!
    image★´¯`•.¸¸.°¤TTCAL/PGAL/PAL Welcome,imageare not¤°.¸¸.•´¯`★image

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    TTC Since September 2011
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    BFP#2:Apr.18.12 EDD:Dec.21.12 MC:May.1.12 (6WK3D)-D&C
    BFP#3:Sep.12.12 - Suspected CP | BFP#4:Dec.1.12 - Suspected CP
    BFP#5: Dec.26.12 EDD:Sep.10.13 MC:Jan.7.13 (4WK6D)-Natural
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    Weeellll let me tell you it was the worst clinic ever! It was an OB office that told me i would be fine with doing it in clinic and that it would cost a lot more to do it at the Hospital...so since i had no idea what it was and it was emotionally too much try and research my options i listened to them and it was intense! i had no warning of how it would feel and they used a huge needle to stick into my uterus to start contractions and then sucked everything out and i felt everything! I made it through with out it feeling like i was going to die or give up but it was definitely an intense feeling!

    So in the end i just wanted to know if real contractions felt like that or if they were more intense or less since i had contractions on top of contractions for


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    I'm really sorry you went through that.
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    It's bad enough you had to experience a loss but then to make you go through that procedure without meds?!?  I'm so sorry.  I just can't imagine.
    BFP #1 (DS, 10/98), BFP #2 (DD, 10/09)
    BFP #3 -mm/c @ 7wks, discovered at 9wks, D&C 9/28
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    Thank you ladies. It was over a year ago and i have a perfectly healthy baby growing inside of me now but it was terrible! Although this whole post was a mistake since i am an April board mom i appreaciate all the February love! thanks!


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    Well, even though you're an April mom... I never had a D&C but I did have two miscarriages and when I actually miscarried I went into full on labor even though I was only about 11 weeks along each time. And that labor was way more intense then the labor I experienced with my first child. Thing to remember, is that when you go into labor you have so many good hormones & endorphins & you're excited. It makes for an entirely different experience.
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    Internet ((hugs))... I cannot even imagine.

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    ZAngel said:

    It's bad enough you had to experience a loss but then to make you go through that procedure without meds?!?  I'm so sorry.  I just can't imagine.

    This. When I had my stillborn at 25 weeks they were really good about accomodating me with an epidural right away because I knew I didn't want more physical pain on top of the loss I was experiencing already.

    (((Hugs))) OP and I'm sorry you went through that, that's horrible. :-(
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