Cloth Diapering

DS2 heavy wetting & waking up soaked. Advice?

Technically not a CD question but I need some help. I'm sorry, this post is long.

DS2 is wearing night time pull ups to bed & is STILL waking up soaked 2 or 3 mornings out of the week. We try to give him some milk or juice with a snack about an hour before bed & before we put him in the tub. We're hoping the liquids will make their way out before bed & we do see some success with this due to his dipe being wet before his bath.

But he is still drinking milk at bed time. We try to fill him up on solids before his bath so it can settle on his stomach & maybe he won't drink as much milk when we put him to bed. Sometimes he just doesn't want to eat a lot. And what can we do? We can't force him to eat but we also don't hand him juice/milk if he asks for it if he hasn't ate good. He would drink milk all the time if we let him.

Here's our basic routine:

About 6:30: Feed him snack or supper depending on how much he ate at my mom's house prior to coming home. Give him some juice, water or milk to help get his snack down.

About 7:30: Start with bath.

About 8:15: Let him drink milk from his cup, rock him about 15 minutes while singing/talking/reading, put him in his toddler bed to fall asleep.

Sometimes he drinks a whole cup of milk & sometimes he doesn't. Sometimes he asks for more & sometimes he doesn't. If he keeps asking for more we put about 1/4 in his cup at a time. Should we be trying to keep him from drinking milk at all when we rock him? I'm tired of my kid waking up wet & his linens being wet too.



Re: DS2 heavy wetting & waking up soaked. Advice?

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  • He's 2 & 1/2. He isn't day trained yet. He doesn't wake up with a dry diaper ever either. We plan to start focusing on PTing in the spring.



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  • My kids 2 and 5 may have a drink of water before bed, but I won't let them drink their fill close to bedtime. May I ask the reason why? Is it a comfort thing, or is he actually thirsty.
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  • @danie007

    It may be a comfort thing. I honestly hadn't considered that. Do you think we should try breaking him of needing to drink milk at bedtime?

    He had a full cup (kiddie cup with a straw) of milk last night & woke up with a soaked pull up but the rest of him was dry. I cannot figure out any pattern here.



  • If it was me I would try to break the habit now. It may be much harder down the road.
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  • SkeemerSkeemer member
    edited January 2014

    Dummy me, I guess I didn't realize it was a habit. If you have any tips on how to break it I am very open to your advice.

    With his bottle we went cold turkey a little after age 1 & 2 days later he was using his cup consistantly. For whatever reason I hadn't considered him using the cup could be the basic equivilant to him taking a bottle. 

    ETA: Clarification



  • Sorry, I'm no help. We are pretty much a cold turkey style family.
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  • If he isn't day trained, why is he in a pull up at night? Pull ups are made to hold as much as reg dipes, so that would lead to more chances of leaks. I would also wean off the milk at bedtime. Also, maybe give his snack after his bath so it's right before bed. With DS1,who is a very heavy wetter, he gets milk after supper, then plays while I clean the table, then bath & snack, then vits and teeth, then straight to bed. He gets a sippy cup with only water by his bed but doesn't drink from it right at bedtime.
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