February 2014 Moms

Can I be done with today?

A little vent sorry...

I have been so lucky and not even had a cold this whole pregnancy except for a sinus infection like 2 days after I found out I was pregnant. Now I have what I believe to be a sinus infection and ear infection :( DH has been so great and let me rest last night and will again tonight. For now though I'm stuck at work (I watch a couple kids two days a week along with DS) and can't wait until nap. DS has really been testing me today too! Terrible 2's suck!! Hopefully when I go to the dr tomorrow she can diagnose me and get me some approved antibiotics! I am miserable not only because I'm sick but I am really uncomfortable and done being pregnant! I know I'm not the only one who might be feeling like this but I needed a little venting session!

Re: Can I be done with today?

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    I hear ya.  Of course, I have been sick the ENTIRE pregnancy with one thing or another but I finally had a little break for the last 2 weeks and I was sooooo hoping I could coast on thru to the end.  Nope.  2 nights ago I woke up and started sneezing in bed- like uncontrollable- 20 times in a row.  Woke up the whole house.  Yesterday had a nasty stuffy nose.  Today is a sore throat.  Seems to be moving quickly through my system though so hoping it will be over soon.  Feel better!






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    I've been fighting a sinus infection for two weeks. Unfortunately, since it is SLOWLY getting better (still can't breathe, but I'm not officially dying anymore) my midwife "would like me to try and continue to fight it without the aid of meds." AHHHHHH, and I just want to rest before Minion gets here.
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    Yes they knew. I go to their house. She is a physicians assistant. Her daughter is sick right now too. It's just the norm for my job. Unless I was throwing up or have a fever I'm expected to work.
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