It may seem a bit premature to be thinking of this but I'm in the middle of trying to decide if I want to look for other teaching/education positions at other school districts after this year and am trying to weigh out some pros/cons. My DD won't start school for another two years but as of right now, here is the situation. We live in a small town outside of a larger city (25 min. away) and moving is not an option. I work at the high school but to be honest, none of our schools in the district are that fantastic and we are beginning to have a somewhat rowdy population of kids. She currently attends a daycare provided by the school district and is only for kids of teachers. She has been there since four months old and is very comfortable and loves it. If I were to leave the district, she couldn't continue on at that daycare for the next two years. I wouldn't consider leaving but my school is under new administration and it has been a nightmare. Also, public education in itself is becoming so ridiculous that it's driving me crazy. Here is what I'm trying to figure out....what would you do...
Option A: Stay in my district taking on any classes they want to give me no matter how much I hate them. Put my DD in the school system here, which means she would go to school in the town where her friends live. Pros: no commute, DD would have a sense of community through friends and school, save money & she would continue at her daycare for now. Cons: Possible unhappiness with my position at work, DD being exposed to a more disruptive crowd and average education.
Option B: Look for jobs at private schools in the larger nearby city and place my DD in a better school system. Pros: Better education and happier work life. Cons: Expensive, more time spent in car due to the commute, her friends will live further away, and in the meantime change daycares.
I would love any rational thoughts. Thanks!
She can get involved in local activities to get to know local children and then she'll have friends in both locations.
Our Little Raspberry Born 3/27/12