February 2014 Moms

Natural ways to induce?

I am so ready for this baby to arrive its almost painful. I have been having minor contractions for about a week. Not braxton hicks, my OB pointed out that it wasnt that, but actually contractions that just randomly hit and then go away for a couple hours. My first beautiful child was 2 weeks early and im thinking #2 is planning on the same thing. I was reading on natural ways to induce and wanted opinions. (*I had to have an emergency c-section due to fetal distress and cannot be induced medically.. DD was holding her umbilical cord and wouldnt let go to bring her heart rate up... no actually distress just a girl being a pain her mothers a$$*)

Re: Natural ways to induce?

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    How far along are you? You shouldn't really try much. Baby will come when he/she is ready....
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    Induction without medical reason is irresponsible (that's about the nicest word I have right now).
    I would be talking to your doctor about this, maybe he/she can explain to you why this is such a stupid idea.
    Early labor can last for a long time, might as well change your attitude about it now.
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    38 weeks, and the OB said i could try castor oil but ive heard that it can give you bad bowl movements..
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    Someone just mentioned in another post last week about taking castor oil gives you massive diarrhea during labor. I doubt you want any of that & I really doubt any smart doctor would recommend castor oil.

    Your baby will come when it's ready.
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    Lhicov said:

    I am so ready for this baby to arrive its almost painful. I have been having minor contractions for about a week. Not braxton hicks, my OB pointed out that it wasnt that, but actually contractions that just randomly hit and then go away for a couple hours. My first beautiful child was 2 weeks early and im thinking #2 is planning on the same thing. I was reading on natural ways to induce and wanted opinions. (*I had to have an emergency c-section due to fetal distress and cannot be induced medically.. DD was holding her umbilical cord and wouldnt let go to bring her heart rate up... no actually distress just a girl being a pain her mothers a$$*)


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    I have to agree with everyone else. There's important brain development still happening these last couple of weeks. 

    However, things I've read can help maybe make you more comfortable are like bouncing on an exercise ball, going on walks, stretching, staying very hydrated.... etc. 
    BFP #1 4/23/11, EDD 1/4/12::No heartbeat @ 9 wks::D&C 6/1/11 
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    I'm confused as to how your random contractions that don't stick around are not BH? That is basically the definition of BH, isn't it?

    Sorry you are uncomfortable. Hang in there.
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    Avswolf said:

    Seriously????? What is "natural" about ANY sort if induction???? Natural would be allowing your baby and your body to tell you when they are ready, NoT handing them an eviction notice because "I'm so ready for this baby to arrive."

    Wait a darn second! My body KNOWS what it's doing!? Get out of town! I thought I was in charge :(
       DS 7  <3  DS 5  <3   DS 2          and introducing..........

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    IDK about inducing, but something you can do that will be helpful during labor is to sit on an exercise ball and squat/sit squatting as much as you can to keep your pelvis open and ready for when it's time :)


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    wheathergirlwheathergirl member
    edited January 2014
    I thought we'd gone over this before?

    No. Just no.
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    @megash113 you are smart! Seems a little suspicious now that you mention it. :-?
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    megash113 said:
    Anyone else think it's suspicious that this post and the other random one of the night about butts are both by posters with "Hicov" in their names?

    I was going to post the exact same thing! It's not like it's some common word or something...seems fishy...
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    Kihry said:

    I'm confused as to how your random contractions that don't stick around are not BH? That is basically the definition of BH, isn't it?

    That was my understanding too...contractions that are not associated with dilation/effacement are BH.

    So, I'm thinking this baby is not ready to make her debut.

    not true. you can have real contractions and not dilate, which is one of the reasons why some women need c-sections. also, I've been having real contractions and as of 2 weeks ago, there weren't any changes.
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    I am with the Pps. Please don't induce.
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    megash113 said:

    Anyone else think it's suspicious that this post and the other random one of the night about butts are both by posters with "Hicov" in their names?

    Just a lil bit.
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    Everyone is miserable right now. Inducing because you feel like it is plain selfish. Please let your body do it's natural thing. Your OB will make the decision if induction is necessary and he/she will do it safely.
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    edited January 2014
    Come on now! Be happy that your lil one is doing what he/she needs to and that's stay in until ready to come out!!!!! I had my son early and am more then lucky that he was just fine! My doc explained that even full term baby's aren't always ready to come and can have problems, so why evict them at your hand? And no offense op but I highly doubt ur OB suggested castor oil. Sex? Yes walking? Yes he'll maybe even spicey food. But castor oil can and usually does dehydrate you and that's what causes the contractions which are not healthy for u or baby... And do u really want to be Hershey squirting w each contraction while at the hospital? I would opt out!
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    In other words by "natural" you mean, my doctor won't ignore his/her years of training to do what I want, so how can I get my own way.  Yeah, you can't.  Sorry not sorry, as the kids say.





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    Why not just go about your days making sure the house is ready? Cleaning is a good form of walking and light work out. Or take inventory of what needs to be done. My MW suggested just to listen to my body, but continue on with life as much as possible. Baby may come from the walking, but if not you have a clean house, and accomplished chores.

    There is not magic eviction button or method. Accept it, move on.

    But you can make sure you are taking care of yourself, and everything else. All those things you do now will be easier then doing them later with baby and DD.
    Lilypie First Birthday tickers
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    I only WISH I didn't have to be induced next week, at 37 +2 days. My blood pressure is too high to let her cook too much longer. Be thankful and take it easy, your baby will come when he or she ready.
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    I have a medically recommended induction scheduled for next Friday, at 39 weeks. That said, I am planning on doing little things this week (walking, maybe sex, etc) to try and go on my own. I'd rather avoid induction if I can, but haven't been 'trying' to make her come until next week. The longer she bakes the better.

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    I guess I'm a little confused about another point. If you believe your second child will follow suit of your first child and come early, why do you want to induce?
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