First off, let me just tell you that the chicken in my Stouffers fettuccine alfredo tastes like ass. '
So, court today. I waited 3 hours for 5 minutes in front of the judge because BD's attorney never got notice and was in another town at another hearing. He never did show up. All they did today was set a temporary support order. And yeah, BD was there which was a surprise. Orange isn't really his color. He looks like hell all unshaven and needing a haircut. I'm sure he didn't know he was supposed to be there either. I think the court notified the jail to bring him. Anyway, all the other stuff will probably be postponed until bonehead gets out of the pokey. And they only went back to August which pisses me off because I filed for support last March when DD was born. They will probably also waive the support he racks up while in jail. We'll see. I didn't make eye contact with him because I didn't want to encourage him to start calling again. I feel kind of like a coward.
Moving on. I pick DD up from day care and she once again smells like she bathed in perfume. I called day care and talked to the asst. director about it. I'm really not trying to be a bitch or "that mom" who complains about stupid shit. However, I can't take the smell anymore. I also don't think it's healthy for a baby who's been on and off a nebulizer to be subjected to that stench. The asst. director says she knows exactly who the guilty party is and that the director will have to talk to her tomorrow because she isn't receptive to the girl I'm talking too. Ok, fine. Not 30 minutes later the "head teacher" in DDs room (odd calling them teachers for a 9 month old) starts texting me about how the other girl was putting Aria's lotion on her right before I got there. I like the head teacher and she babysits for me when day care is closed so I just kind of let it go with her. But I KNOW it's perfume, not lotion. And it kind of pisses me off that they didn't handle my complaint a little more discreetly, like, I dunno, not mentioning it was me! Geez.
Did I mention my chicken tastes like ass??
Re: Today's events
Throwing leaves
I'm frequently disappointed by frozen fetachine. I have to eat gluten free as well so gf fetachine is even worse.
I'm frequently disappointed by frozen fetachine. I have to eat gluten free as well so gf fetachine is even worse.