February 2014 Moms

Team Green check in

Hello fellow team green ladies. How is everyone? Just wanted to do a quick check in. Any strong feelings about gender lately? Anyone giving you a hard time still? Share whatever you would like :) If  you have an outside baby, were you surprised and how did it feel when they announced "ITS A...."?

I am 36wks tomorrow. I have been having a lot of boy dreams so we shall see! I think everyone has shifted from giving me a hard time to getting excited also as we get closer. I wouldn't trade being team green for anything.

Re: Team Green check in

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    Most people think I am having a boy. It felt more like a boy early in my pregnancy, but now I have no intuition. DD keeps saying she is getting a brother, so I hope she isn't too upset if this one is a girl.

    Last time I was shocked even though I had no clue what we were having. Most people thought it was a boy last time and when my little girl came out I couldn't believe it at first.
    DD1: May 2011
    DD2: February 2014

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    Most people are convinced LO us a boy, me included, but the lady who sits next to me at work tells everyone she thinks its a girl....as she told me at the beginning she thinks people who're having a girl put weight on all over I'm not sure if she's calling me a hippo and needs a slap!

    We have friends due the same week as us and they found out (girl) - keep asking us why we didn't want to know and saying things like "its so much easier to buy things when you know what you're having"! I don't care - I've just gone with cream/brown/white/yellow/green everything - wasn't that hard lol :)
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    I STILL have people asking if we've found out yet. I keep telling them "No, we'll know when Minion gets here." I agree with pps. Most people in our generation say they could never do that, I'm too much of a planner, how can you not know?, etc. But I just want that last BIG surprise!!!! Keep it up ladies, not too much longer till we know!!!
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    I didn't realize there was a team green check in...so I am hopping in today. I have thought from day 1 that I'm having a girl, people refer to the bump as a she or her. but recently I am seconding guessing myself. I think I am second guessing b/c we DO NOT HAVE A BOYS NAME and it is STRESSING me out a bit. I love love love the girls name so it is hard to put much effort into a boys name. DH and I can't agree on anything. I am 37 weeks 4 days so we need to agree on something. :)

    How are the rest of you on names?

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    I'm getting more excited the closer it gets :) I thought we were having a girl from the beginning just because this pregnancy has been so different than my pregnancy with DS. But I have had countless people tell me that doesn't necessarily mean different gender. The closer we get the more I second guess my earlier intuition.

    Most people I tell we are team green think its a fun suprise, like pp's, especially the older generations.... And I hate calling baby "it" too. But I find myself stuck on what else to call it a lot of the time!
    DS Born 10/5/11 TTC #2 starting 8/2012 BFP! 11/12/12 EDD 7/26/12... natural m/c 12/1/12 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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    I'm so excited that there are still greenies out there! 

    I have definitely gotten a lot of grief for being team green. But I chalk it up to the fact that people want to get cute outfits and can't do much until they know the gender. 

    clb2196, most of the grief has come from people in my generation that want to know. My sister has given me the most pushback, but she gets a pass since she's been trying for a baby for 3 years and has had no luck. 

    I feel like it's a girl. But then there's this weird guilt that if I was wrong, that maybe I'm not connecting with the baby. ahhh...the irrational pregnancy thoughts.

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    DH and I are sooo excited for the delivery and to see if we have a son or a daughter.  We both have no clue or intuition what this baby is.  We haven't been given a hard time about being team green by anyone; everyone is just as excited as we are.  I would say it's a 60(girl) / 40(boy).  Only a few more weeks!

    I have caved though and purchased both pink and blue outfits.  I'll return whichever I don't use.
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    KazDuck918KazDuck918 member
    edited January 2014

    I didn't realize there was a team green check in...so I am hopping in today. I have thought from day 1 that I'm having a girl, people refer to the bump as a she or her. but recently I am seconding guessing myself. I think I am second guessing b/c we DO NOT HAVE A BOYS NAME and it is STRESSING me out a bit. I love love love the girls name so it is hard to put much effort into a boys name. DH and I can't agree on anything. I am 37 weeks 4 days so we need to agree on something. :)

    How are the rest of you on names?

    We are totally set on girls names and cannot agree for the life of us on any boys names. Good thing we still have a few weeks.
    It's hard being married to a teacher that has a horror story for EVERY single name we've come up with.
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    I have thought boy all along as does my mother.  My boss thinks it's a girl, but I think he just says that to be opposite.  I have had 2 dreams recently where we had a girl in both, so we will see (in less than 2 weeks).

    Most people that ask what we are having and find out we don't know think it is neat/exciting that we are waiting.  The only person who has really said anything is MIL.  She can't find things to buy without knowing.  Really?!? There are plenty of things we will needed that do not differ between sexes.

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    DH and I are sooo excited for the delivery and to see if we have a son or a daughter.  We both have no clue or intuition what this baby is.  We haven't been given a hard time about being team green by anyone; everyone is just as excited as we are.  I would say it's a 60(girl) / 40(boy).  Only a few more weeks!

    I have caved though and purchased both pink and blue outfits.  I'll return whichever I don't use.
    My mom and I have both bought clothes for a boy and a girl.  I couldn't pass up the items I found on clearance at TJ Maxx.  I got a little boy's outfit (pants, onesie and hat) for $4.  If it's a girl. I'll return it, no big deal.

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    Mamosey said:

    We've got our names finalized! We're getting really excited to find out, but also really enjoying not knowing.  Just curious...what are you all doing about a take home outfit?  Are you bringing one of each?  Ours is pretty neutral.

    I have a Tigger onsie.....probably more boy than girl, but its soooo cute and technically neutral :)
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    Everyone is telling us girl. I would like a girl as I already have a boy, but I'm leaning toward boy because (a) I don't want to be having expectations (b) no one in our families has had one of each, it's been all girls or all boys (c) my mom swore my younger sister was going to be a boy because the pregnancy was so different & it was a girl after all.
    As for names I'm pretty sure we're settled on names, but it did take us AGES to agree on anything. I'm really afraid DH is going to change his mind again though.
    I find it hilarious that at this point most people know we're team green, but I get asked either "did you decide to find out after all?" Or "do you really know & you're not telling us?"
    Totally honest guys... I wanted a surprise so I wouldn't have to endure mountains of blue or pink baby clothes. I love shopping for their clothes myself & I really dislike the typical Carter's outfits- so I in all seriousness chose not to find out so I could enjoy that one last surprise & do the majority of shopping myself.
    I have a boy outfit & a girl coming home outfit, both little onesie things from Baby Gap. I'll probably regift whichever I don't use & I have plenty of onesies & sleepers from DS. So if it's a girl, she'll have to be a tom boy for a while.
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    Mamosey said:
    We've got our names finalized! We're getting really excited to find out, but also really enjoying not knowing.  Just curious...what are you all doing about a take home outfit?  Are you bringing one of each?  Ours is pretty neutral.
    1 pink and 1 blue outfit. :)
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    I have one of each for take home outfits because target had a great sale!  I also have my bag packed with neutral things. My "boy" outfit is the cutest outfit with a dinosaur on it and I am convinced it can be made into a girl outfit too if u put a hair band on the baby so if I have a girl I am keeping that outfit too lol. 

    Names are 98% set : Haylee Elizabeth or Nathaniel "Nate" Vincent
    Second choices: Hope Elizabeth or Lucas Laurent
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    @bepandnick Did you find it helped you during labor?  I am hoping that I can focus on the anticipation of finding out the sex versus the pain.

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    I dream that LO is a boy, if that means anything? A lot of people say boy too, but I wonder if that's just wishful thinking, as we've had 5 girls in a row in our family.

    I was out shopping yesterday, and getting a little frustrated, because there are such huge deals, but not much in the way of neutral outfits. I would have just bought stuff of either gender and returned half, but since it was on super clearance, no returns. 
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    These aren't take home outfits, but I bought them on clearance last week at TJ Maxx.  

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    We're still greenies!

    For some reason my mother keeps asking if we really know. And it's weird. No, we don't. We had many opportunities to find out but we didn't.

    There is a specific color of light aqua/turquoise/greeny blue that's been our "color of hope" throughout our journey. LO's room is painted in a tint of this color and the take home outfit is also a similar color. Perfect for either sex.

    I can't stand it when people look at me and guess by how I'm carrying or whatever dumb wives tale they believe what the sex is. I don't want to know. We'll know when we know and we'll know together.

    No sex of baby dreams lately. We've both gone back and forth so many times.

    I'll just be so happy when they're here!

    Best of luck other team greens!

    BzeetyD = 38, Mr. BzeetyD = 44 together 12/02 married 9/08
    TTC #1 since 1/10
    DX: Unexplained/??? MFI issues

    Our lil' lost sparks:
    5w3d loss 7/30/10 - EDD March 2011
    8w loss 4/15/11 - EDD November 2011
    8w3d loss 8/2/12 - EDD March 2013
    4w c/p loss 10/29/12 - EDD July 2013

    Long story: trying on our own + testing testing testing with 6 rounds of Clomid, more testing, injectables + TI, laparoscopy - one tube blocked, 2 IUIs with Follistim...BFNs.
    RPL testing all normal, Karyotyping normal

    Moving on to IVF.

    IVF #1 April 2012 = BFN, IVF #2 June 2012 = BFP. U/S 7/23 = saw heartbeat but measuring behind. Follow up U/S on 7/30 - no heartbeat. D&C 8/2. Trisomy 12. IVF #3 Oct 2012 = Chemical Pregnancy

    Phone consult with CCRM on 12/12/12 - ODWU 1/4/13 - both tubes clear(!) - AFC 24, AMH 3.2, FSH 9.6, LH 5.4, E2 25. DH has high frag rate but improved!
    IVF #4 March 2013 CCRM. EP protocol w/ Menopur, Gonal-F & Dexamethasone. ER 3/29 & IMSI, PICSI. 43R 13M 10F 6blasts bio'd. CCS testing reveals 3 normals!!!
    FET 5/31/13 of 1 4AA blast - thawed and expanded. 4dp5dt BFP.
    Beta 9dp5dt = 181, 11dp5dt = 427. 1st u/s showed a healthy heartbeat! EDD 2/16/14

    After 4 years of hoping and heartbreak, our sweet little bean was born on 2/19/14
    We are so in love with her.

    "I'm not telling you it's going to be easy, I'm telling you it's going to be worth it."

    Everybody is welcome!!!
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    Still Team Green over here too! I agree with PPs that most people in our parents' generation are excited that we are waiting, while most people in our own think we are crazy!  :P I hate the comments, though, about how they could never do it because "I'm a planner". What, like I haven't planned anything for my baby?! Pretty sure my team green baby still has a place to sleep, clothes to wear, blankets to be swaddled, and food to eat! 

    I was team green with DS as well and LOVED it! Finding out in the OR (ended up with a c-section) was the most amazing thing and it is my strongest memory from the OR. I absolutely cannot wait to find out when baby gets here in a few weeks, but I'm loving not knowing right now.

    We are bringing one boy outfit and one girl outfit to the hospital this time (did the same last time). If this one ends up being a boy, I'll have a couple of girl outfits that are already washed that will end up being gifts for a friend someday. I'm sure I'll eventually know someone who has a girl if I don't! That being said, my gut feeling this time is girl. I was right with DS, so we'll see what happens this time!
    F14 January Siggy Challenge: Gym/Fitness Fails


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    Slightly OT: People are giving us more crap about not sharing names than being Team Green. It started off being because of PGAL anxiety and also feeling like we didn't want unsolicited opinions, but it's also evolved into my feeling like I don't want to commit to a name until I see the baby. I think one of my earliest UOs here was that I just don't get why people get so obsessed with knowing the names of other people's babies before they're here. It's nobody's business. I stand by that. [-(
    We're in almost the exact same boat. Luckily avoided any grief over being team green, most people in our lives have been quite supportive, though some people insist on referring to our LO as "he" or "She' based on their "instincts"..... however when it comes to the name department, tonnes of grief for not sharing.
    Though we originally weren't sharing because we  simply hadn't decided, and technically we still haven't! we have some options and we're waiting to meet the little one and name him or her then!

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    KazDuck918KazDuck918 member
    edited January 2014
    Slightly OT: People are giving us more crap about not sharing names than being Team Green. It started off being because of PGAL anxiety and also feeling like we didn't want unsolicited opinions, but it's also evolved into my feeling like I don't want to commit to a name until I see the baby. I think one of my earliest UOs here was that I just don't get why people get so obsessed with knowing the names of other people's babies before they're here. It's nobody's business. I stand by that. [-(
    I totally agree. We were dumb enough to share the first round of names and then SIL was like "that's the name I had picked for my daughter" and every time we brought it up we got a guilt trip about how she's "okay" with us using her name. So that went out the window.

    After reading all the posts, I realized I really need to get on the whole, bringing home the baby outfit. I've slimmed it down to two.


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    I understand where your husband is coming from...I'm a teacher too and can think of a reason why I dislike every boy name :)

    I didn't realize there was a team green check in...so I am hopping in today. I have thought from day 1 that I'm having a girl, people refer to the bump as a she or her. but recently I am seconding guessing myself. I think I am second guessing b/c we DO NOT HAVE A BOYS NAME and it is STRESSING me out a bit. I love love love the girls name so it is hard to put much effort into a boys name. DH and I can't agree on anything. I am 37 weeks 4 days so we need to agree on something. :)

    How are the rest of you on names?

    We are totally set on girls names and cannot agree for the life of us on any boys names. Good thing we still have a few weeks.
    It's hard being married to a teacher that has a horror story for EVERY single name we've come up with.

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    We have two take home outs...a boy and girlie girl one. We were team green for DS so we have the girl outfit from then and I just got a new boy outfit this weekend :)
    Mamosey said:
    We've got our names finalized! We're getting really excited to find out, but also really enjoying not knowing.  Just curious...what are you all doing about a take home outfit?  Are you bringing one of each?  Ours is pretty neutral.

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