I hardly ever look on this board because it is typically very slow but since I am in the middle of a crazy snow storm I meandered over and saw you posted. Hope all is well with you and your little lady. Can you believe our little ones are 2 months old already???? Hope motherhood is treating you well. Wonder if anyone else from the pg over 35 board will mosey over?
Re: Hey Guennie!
We have had quite a time here...I am just getting over a second bout of mastitis and my DH just accepted a promotion so we are moving to South Carolina. He has to start on Feb 11 so everything is happening really fast- crazy!! I'm excited though. I'm looking forward to having seasons again!
I can't believe our babies are 2 months already. We have our checkup tomorrow, she is growing like a weed. She's a great sleeper but I don't get to take advantage of it because I have to get up in the night to pump. This pumping is SO HARD. I am exhausted. But I'm trying to hang in there as long as I can.
How are things going for you?
Oh no!!!! I had mastitis one time with my daughter and it was NO FUN!!!! I am so sorry that breastfeeding is not going super easy for you. I applaud you for keeping at it and pumping...that takes commitment and A LOT of time. Not that I have to tell you
Congrats on your hubby's new job. That sounds like you are in for a whirlwind but glad you are getting back to the seasons....but at this rate you may want to stay where you are. I am in New Jersey and like the seasons but all this snow is getting to be a little much.
I too can't believe they are already 2 months. We just had our Dr. visit last week and (Hank the Tank) as we are lovingly calling him is 12 lbs and almost 24 inches long. You are lucky you have a good sleeper. Jimmy isn't that bad but he is basically waking me up around 1am and then again around 4:30-5am and then goes back down again until 6 or 7 am then he is up for a while. I miss being able to sleep through the night
I am so not looking forward to going back to work
Can't wait to hear how you little lady fares at the Doctors.
She is now 11 lbs and 23 inches. Growing like a weed.
Oh yeah the shots are horrible. More so for us then for them. The sad cry is the worst.
It is so crazy how quickly they change. How is the moving going?
Oh CRAP!!!! I hope your daughter is good in the car or that is really going to be one long and painful ride for both of you. Good Luck getting it all done. That really stinks having all that fall on your shoulders. In the end I hope the move will go smoothly and you have a safe trip. Take your time and take frequent breaks if needed. God I sound like a worried old mother lol.
Good luck and I'll check in to see how it went.