Cloth Diapering

~~~Preggie Pact~~~

Sorry this is late in the day.  I've been crazy busy.  How goes it, ladies?  

Re: ~~~Preggie Pact~~~

  • We're still holding off until spring.  I randomly got AF a week early which NEVER happens, but it works out well because then I won't have it on our weekend trip in March.  Yay!  I still have to convince myself all the time that it's a good idea to hold off on TTC because I don't want to be pregnant on vacation.  Or pregnant while wearing a bridesmaid's dress :) 
  • ...creeps in...

    Can I join? Currently in my second month of ttc #2. I'm 10 dpo but got a huge temp drop this morning so AF should be here tomorrow or Thursday. I'm pretty sure it's onto month #3 for us. :(
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  • AF is finally finished for this month (my cycles are crazy weird with BF) and I have SERIOUS baby fever.  We are still NTNP and realistically, it'd be so much easier if I didn't get pregnant until later in the summer after our vacations and annual Cedar Point trips etc, etc.  But I want a little tiny baby.  Now.  Probably also has something to do with the fact that I am planning DD's first birthday party and that I am a postpartum nurse, so I'm around little teeny tiny squishy babies all the time.

    Erin-30.  Dealing with severe endo. 
    Married to DH-29.  Possible low sperm count/low motility.
    Harper-born 2/28/13
    TTC #2 for 21 months and counting...after 2 laps/HSGs and 9 rounds of clomid, next step, consult with RE.
  • Still holding off. DH is talking about finishing his job at the end of the year, then he wants to rent a car and travel around Europe for a few months. Which I think would be NO FUN AT ALL with a newborn. And then when we get back to the states he wants to buy a car in New England and do a major road trip to get back to the west coast. Again, not fun with a newborn and I also wouldn't want to be on the road and pregnant and forego regular prenatal care.
  • Got my BFP on I'm moving over to the Grads check in. Thanks, ladies!

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    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

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  • Now that I'm staying home 4x a week and potentially full time. It just makes sense to crank out the babies so its the least amount of time out of the work force right???!!


    I think we want to wait at-least 6 more moths before trying. But I'll join you all In the not to distant future!
  • I haven't commented in a while, but we are still TTC #1. We are on month 4. Just for fun last night I decided to tally up how much I have spent on CD already and was shocked and a bit embarassed at how high it was. Haha...can't stop buying the squish. At least if we never get a BFP I can just sell everything and recoup most of my money.
  • @hecklet we had a lot of our stash before we were even trying!! Actually we never *tried* this guy was a surprise. Lol
  • @yellowlily2013

    We agreed to start TTC in January of 2013 (not until October due to a trip planned to Colorado to the Great American Beer Fest) So I naively started buying then figuring we'd have no trouble getting pregnant. Now I have a years worth of diapers already.  You were lucky with your surprise! :)

  • @hecklet

    We're lucky that we didn't have ttc issues, but he's done a number to our "plan"! We really hoped we'd get DH through school first.... 3 more semesters!!
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