Baby Names

Boy names?

We just found out we are having a boy! Great! Except we cannot agree on names to save our lives. Here are some of our options - just wanting to get some different opinions on them. We definitely want to use Michael for the middle name. Our last name sounds a lot like Modern.

Jackson Michael - husband loves this, I think it may be too similar to Michael Jackson. Also, nickname would be Jack, which is a family name, but kids are relentless and Jack could lead to bad nicknames.

Logan Michael - I love this, husband isn't sold on Logan. He thinks it is too much of a mouthful.

Joseph Michael - no real thoughts one way or another, but we both agree it's an ok name.

William Michael - this is my dad's full name, but he goes by Mike, the kid would go by Will.

Any thoughts or input would be greatly appreciated!

February Siggy Challenge - Picture of You and DH. Us with our engagement pumpkins. DH carved each word of "Will You Marry Me" and the date 10/11/12 into five dfferent pumpkins.
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Re: Boy names?

  • Jackson Michael is obviously close to Michael Jackson, but something to consider would be how infrequently you'll be using your child's middle name when meeting / introducing him to new people.

    I absolutely LOVE William. If this were a poll I would have voted for William.
    Married November 2009
    Clara, August 2014 
    Baby Boy due October 2017
  • I like William Michael or Joseph Michael. Solid choices. Logan is ok, but if your DH doesn't love it, it's a no-go. Jackson Michael is way to close to Michael Jackson, and Jackson is far too overused, IMO.

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