March 2012 Moms

Random question about boy hair

Ok , this is stupid but I have to ask. Do any of you put gel in your son's hair? DS has crazy hair in the morning that I can't get to lie flat with water and a comb and I told DH I might try gel and he told me that it's weird to put gel in a little kid's hair. I don't fully trust DH since he shaves his head and therefore isn't exactly an expert on the subject. Thoughts? Is it weird or is DH just crazy?
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Re: Random question about boy hair

  • We do a bath pretty much every night so that wouldn't be a problem. I guess my issue with it was this morning we had a toddler music class to go to and even though he was clean and dressed cute his crazy hair made him look like a little ragamuffin. We've only trimmed the back twice..when it was looking mullet-esque.
    One direction photo: One Direction gif onedirectiongifmacarenaey_zpsbdaf903f.gif
    DS born 3.12 
    DD born 7.14
  • I've seen little boys with gelled hair but we don't use it on DS. I'm just not that into hair products in general, and like the PP we don't do a bath every night. He usually looks liek a ragamuffin but he's an adorable ragamuffin so oh well. :)
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  • It drives me nuts and I swear I'm not a super uptight mom! Also, cheeks filled with peanut butter crackers :) off to CVS for toddler styling products, haha!
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    DS born 3.12 
    DD born 7.14
  • eyenigheyenigh member
    edited January 2014
    My son still has pretty wispy hair but when he wakes up looking crazy, sometimes I'll get it a little damp, pray a comb with a little hairspray and comb it through the unruly part. That usually knocks it down. Around the house, we do Mohawks for fun and he loves the hard hair spray in his hair, lol. He walks around saying "Ma hair" like John Travolta in Saturday Night Fever. (He says the word "my" just fine otherwise so him saying "Ma hair" is all the more funny.)
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  • DS gets the craziest bedhead sometimes, I swear!  He woke up one morning with a full on mohawk, just bedhead!  I spray it down with water and comb it in the mornings.  It's still pretty fine and soft so that does the trick.  But my friend puts gel in her 2 1/2 year old son's hair each morning and it doesn't strike me as weird, just not something we need to do at this point.
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  • We recently cut DS hair short (because dad is not a barber even though he thinks he is). It makes his cowlick stand out. I don't really do much to it though. I just let it be (and hope it grows out soon).

    However, I have many friends that tame their kids hair with gel or hairspray. I don't think it's weird.

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  • My LO has curly hair; therefore, imagine his morning hair! So, I do use gel BUT its for babies. I got it at his hair salon. its very soft and calms hair down. Works great!
  • I don't think gel is weird. Dd STILL has short boy hair. Most days it just goes crazy. We are still in the thick of winter hat season, so I gave up on trying to tame it.
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