

So, I work in an office by myself most days. 

Since I've started my diet, my colon is more active.  With the gassiness. 

Today is a particularly bad day.  Normally I would hightail it to the bathroom because seriously, nobody needs to smell what my body is producing right now.  Even I'm going "WHAT THE HELL, colon?"

Anyway, there wasn't supposed to be anyone else here today. 


So I didn't make an effort to leave the office in time. 

OF COURSE the big boss walks up just as the smell hits my nose. 

There is no way I could blame it on anyone else. 

He walks up, says something, then his eyes get wide and he leaves quickly then emails me his question/issue. 




Unable to even.  


You don't understand the appeal of Benedict Cumberbatch / think he's fug / don't know who he is? WATCH SHERLOCK.  Until you do, your negative opinion of him will not be taken seriously.


  • I work in a cubicle farm, too.  



    Unable to even.  


    You don't understand the appeal of Benedict Cumberbatch / think he's fug / don't know who he is? WATCH SHERLOCK.  Until you do, your negative opinion of him will not be taken seriously.

  • Oh man...that's the worst.  I had awful gas yesterday and my boss and co-worker kept coming in my office.  There is no way they didn't smell that shit.  It's was rancid. 

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  • OMG

    Sorry I'm mortified for you :\">


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  • Lol. From now on we'll call you Fart Cloud. It happens to all of us once in a while.
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                               photo photosig3_zps92919c91.jpg Just said good bye Sept. 19th (MMC at 12 weeks)
  • Blame it on him for sneaking up on you!

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  • Oh, CG.  I lol'd.
  • My H recently farted in front on my mom. He thought he was alone and she snuck up behind him. He was horrified and never wants us to speak of it again :\">
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  • I am also a very farty person and I work in a bullpen office set up. Not good for my coworkers.
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  • Oh no.  I would be mortified too!

    I'm having the same issue lately.  Stupid diets.  I'm kinda dreading going back to work next week because of it. 
    A: 3.07
    G: 6.10
    L: 11.13

  • This made me laugh WAY to hard! Sorry that happened though! 
  • I happen to be a particularly gassy person, which is not fun when you are a teacher. No place to escape to... Sorry CG.
    Seriously. I haven't had any audible incidents in class yet, but I've had a few SBDs that I try to play off like it was one of the students.
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  • Other anecdotes so you know you are not alone:

    I voluntarily quit the gym because it was too hard to hold in the gas. Luckily people usually blame the men. I actually overheard people talking about my fart and blame some guy. Sorry guy. Side note: NEVER wear self tanning lotion to the gym. Work up a sweat and that shit smells like the worst BO. People wouldn't use the machine next to me!

    A former boss was known for his audible toots. It was NBD to him, he'd just carry on. Whatever, it's natural right?

    Fart on, CG. Fart on.
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  • LMAO.
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  • Gah -- my condolences; that's awful.  I trapped myself in my office once while pumping.  I polluted the place, then realized that as soon as I finished pumping and opened the door, I'd probably have someone stop in to talk to me, and it's hard to blame someone else when you've been in a closed office alone.  So I had to wait it out in shame until things dissipated.

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